The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)

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wwtrjw XWMM4H DOINGS CONGRESS SrasoJourna CURTISS EVANS A EXIT THE NEW STAMP STORY BRIELY TOLD the History of the Events pr niiti while another of it ush'T in luting a it which found Argentine yney Pollard for $20'juaud au an appeal i a leading adjourned to EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT reported that The Governor In rhcep 20 calling THE IRE RECORD PERSONAL MENTION Samuel Sin ROM WASHINGTON DATES IN MEDICINE OREIGN CRIME AND CASUALTY 'workmen are said to while many wlhera ar llabill in the Backward Glance at the Past Twelve Months trexaa Slugger Works While a Crowd Looks Congressman Breckenridge Compro Louisville's Mayor President Hunts Ducks Philadelphia and ileadinj 7 Temperature degrees at Kansas City 83 degrees at Chicago and 1 inches snow at Laguna del a runs war Wednesday night looked like a star CHRONOLOGICAL array IMPORTANT EVENTS law: in many pa: 1 RernnitH of five AJec towns which for merly had population tf from fifteen to twenty have len discovered ho Senate Cost Over a Million Dollars Annually At the Capital What fa Being Done by the Senate and Old Mat ters Disposed Of and New Ones Conald ered POSTAL AUTHORITIES ARE GREATLY PLEASED Three handro1 men made a wonderful escape from a coal mine fire near Peoria III caused by a careless employe workmen at Elizabeth were horribly burned by a companion throwing oil oh a fire near them The Mason block on West irst street Duluth Minn was gutted by fre The building was filled with tenants but burned very slowly and all got out easily The fire originated la the basem*nt cause unknown kill Mayor Henry Tyler but could use his building occupied by Hovey Bone drapers In Sheffield England caught fire Thursday morning tixty ass Iatan of the flrm were rescued with difficulty ive fire escapes were used to take them from the burning building' The efforts of the firemen te coane the fire to the building In which it originated were fruitless and the flamee spread to five other buildinga Tho dam amounts to £20000 The conflagnittafi the worst that has visited Sheffield in many yeara is said generally at Pernambuco on reports received from Bio de Janeiro that the rebel fleet after two days of desultory fighting have conquered the capital and taken President Pelxoto prisoner and com pletely overturned the government At tempts to learn details have proved futile all commuuloaUoa with Jllo being closed raughf Largely with Prosperity hilt Drought Disaster anl Devastation Were ducted his swindling op ra: States throughout the West sleighing down by a lor Jioills injured on body Cleveland Ignatz II irat arrested on a charge of grand larceny was found hanging from bis ceil door at t' Third Police Station dead He had taken (he strap from his waist tied one end to the the upper part of the dt or and had slowly strangled to death Orre of a gang of men engaged in breaking up old shells at the Rock Bland arsenal was killed by an unexpected ex plosion Ilans Keiser was arrested at Lebanon Ind on a charge of forging a name to checks 15000000 bushels cvua hundred men started out fror Minneapolis Minn a wolf hunt They re uraed without a sculp Carolina people ore worked uj jested' in Baltimore on the chare bezzling SdOOO) the funds of th Tho uutherltics of Buckley offered a ward of $1003 for Hart's arrr Har insurgents Both 1 recon eno Jan 3 1894 Tremendous snowstorm In Minnesota An utm eurthunake in Zante gm fourteen perish at Milwaukee in tho wal'd works crib during a storm The whole country swept by violent storms much dam go in Michigan of life only Southern States Jack" Yattaw died at Chicago Negro lynched at Salm Kas jo Strikers at Hull England tire the docks been One con on etievulent women of the church by sending a pathetic appeal for help to the Ladles' Home Missionary societies uil over the couni'ry and receiv ing wagon loids of clothing provisions etc and numerous gifts of money Commodore Stanton who was recalled from Rio Janeiro for saluting llaz has been assigned to the North Atlantic Station with the rank of Acting Rear Ad miral Bishop Wlgger of Newark hav ing defied an erder of Mgr SutollI a point bus apparently been reached when the higher Papal authorities must render a de clio i of Interest to every Roman Catholic Bishop In the United States Ex Congressman Pierce not withstanding efforts to the contrary Is among tho seven indicted at Indianapolis for wrecking the bank of which Theodore llaughey president The indict ment against Haughcy makes a book of 492 typewritten pages and contains sixty seven counts New York riday morning a police i man while standing in front of the ourth District Civil Court iron frame struc ture five stories high on Second avenue noticed the outer walls of the building vibrate He immediately rushed inside and informed Judge Stockier who was holding court There some 800 peo ple in the building at the time mostly Polish Jews Tho Judge quietly informed the people that there was some question oi the safety of the building and they al' departed quietly and cojirt was adjourned to the Third District Civil Court on Sixth avenue Tho building has been condemned several times growers at Kalamazoo Mich have recovered damages from the proprie ors ofthe Alcott mill dam which broke In the spring of 1891 and flooded their val uable lands our hundred men from St Paul and Minneapolis had the sport of a wolf bunt near Anoka Mina and got four wolvea near Mexico Ma is dying of a disease caused by the unprecedented drouth there having been no rain since July I against ex Confeder ates In appointments to pension boards has drawn forth a protest from Texas physicians directors of the Pacific Coast Bond end Investment Company were acquitted at Ogden Some lively scenes are be In en acted at the Mothodist Episcopal conferen Oklahoma and Indian lerrltory mr inz held at Guthrie Ok barges have Tho Year of Onr Lord Eighteen Hundred To some persons it with a brilliant tail resembled a fiery ser astrinomer 1st! nctly Unitel States cutter Corbin has reach ed Honolulu with important cipher dis patches from President Cieveldnd io Mnr later Willis Gro4s irregulaiitles amounting to mill ions of dollars are reported to have beef discovered in connection with tobacco re funds in tho New York Custom Bouse news of the reorganization of tho canal company grehtly pleates the Mana gua Nicaragua merchants They say that the completion of the cafe is the only salvation pecuniarily for the coun try An American syndicate bus offered the government $1000000 for a railway steamboat ana land concession Transshipments grain at ot Kingston and Portsmouth (hit aumuDt to is charge with working a ga me 'US ward wit a MEASURES AND ACTED UPON 1 New York has 2s no cases of typhus fever 2 Gigantic strike of coal miners iu Saar dis trict Germany troops summoned 3 Crafts chosen Speaker of Illinois lower house ire at Memphis Tenn $156 wo ort Wayne Ind electric plant $150 tKM) Niagara frozen overHenry Duncan lynched at Knoxville Tenn At Bakersville CT 12 officers and of a lynching killed lynchers successful and string up Cal vin Snypes 4 Natural explosion in Chicago 32 in jured 3 fatally Suicide at Des Moines of Sutter wife murderer 6 ierce blizzards from Northwest to Atlan tic coast Leed's failure at Sioux City 8 Break of Cincinnati ice rge $300000 damage 9 Presidential electors ballot Many Gov ernors inaugurated Dewey dr Co boots and shoes Toledo fail for 0 C00 New York fire $2r too 10 Democratic Inauguration at pr ngfield IllSenator Kenna of West Virg dies at WashingtonBlizzard in Nnrtbw st oooooo fire at Boston New York harbor blocked with ice Twenty four miners killed at Como Colo 11 Gen Butler dies at Washington 12 Unprecedented ice blockade at New York harbor Swuooo fire at Kansas City Southern States visited by unprecedent ed cold 15 Many Ohio and Indiana towns without gas or coal for fuel terrible suffering at Cin cinnati 16 Three killed in a fal'lug building at Philadelphiaanny Kemblq actress dies at London Severest cold since 1B33 in Geor gia Pope Leo creates 14 cardinals 17 IL Mayes ex president dies at re mont 0 1 orty third anniversary of California gold discovery 19 Coughlin of Cronin murder notoriety granted a new triaL 29 Hugh Dempsey convicted of polsohlng non unlou Homestead workmen 21 Oil train explodes at Alton JunctionIll 21 killed CO injure many fatally 22 ailure of Capital National Bank Lin coln Neb for $lootm 23 Associate Justice Lamar of Mississippi dies at Macon GaDeath of Phillips Brooks the great clergyman at Bos ton 24 Three killed in collision at Joliet III 26 Judge John Martin of Topeka Kan chosen Senator by the Democrats and Popu lists 26 John Mitchell of Milwaukee chosen Senator by Democrats 27 Death of James Blaine at Washing ton SO uneral of Blaine Pottstown Pa Iron Company fail for $2000000 si Senate passes Washburn's anti option bilL io de arfanged apparently not few Tying out Step have been taken to bring the would be kidnappers to lus tice The originator of the scheme is be lieved to be a crank who lately went to Washington from Abilene The startling 'news has been sent to Washington and it Is understood that the guards about the White House have been greatly strength ened so as to resist the boldest attack minority report jef tbe Ways and Means Committee embodying the views of the Republican members on the pro posed tariff legislation was given out Thursday night rom their point of view the surprising feature of the Wilson bill is that it will lower tbe revenue 174000 000 below the revenue of 1893 and this while the treasury is already depleted 'I he bill is called a makeshift Instead of a manly at tack at tho principle of protection and according to the minority all tbe objec tions raised by the dominant party held food against this blit An attack is maden the free raw materials proposition and jn the proposed change from specific to ad valorem duties The report closet with a dissertation on the effect of the bill on labor tbe holiday recess says a Wash ington dispatch Congres will begin an In teresting and some members think a long lesslon The Wilson revising the tariff will be the first measure taken up In tho House Debate on the measure will be begun as soon as Congress reassembles and after continuing several days the Ways and Menus Committee will give way for a few days in order to allow the Committee on oreign Affairs to have its resolution regarding Hawaiian affairs dis cussed and disposed ot Debate on tbe tar iff will then begin In earnest The limit of debate has not yet been decided on but the managers hope to have the bill puss*d and sent to the enate by the middle of ebruary at the latest After the tariff Is disposed of the Committee on Appropri ations will claim the attention ot tbe House with ths annual appropriation bllla Secretary Carlisle has received the resignation ot Harry femltb Deputy Register of the Treasury 17 years old The new Minnoipotls Mim most notable was not designed til include any event which had less than tt general interest A number of ottyoccurrences of first interest perbays' to certain localities have been omitted I But it is believed that up to date np really important event has been misspd AtNow YorkGaorzo A Ma gouu tho bunker aged 5: clalr formerly publisher of the Tribune At Muncie lull Mrs Juno Cooley aged 83 At Dubuque Iowa Mrs Elizabeth Emmerson aged S3 At Evanston HL Vinson arnham of Denver At Vir ginia III John Mellon aged 73 At Bal timore I "Lucas a well known sporting writer aged 47 At Oshkosli Wis Mrs Nancy Snyder aged 72 At Jackson ville TIL Joseph rank aged 91 1822 great work on cations and published in London Lyv 7 1826 Caimeil discovered and de scribed the connection of insanity with jiaralysis vv Ay IS ji Tt 3 Bellevue Hospital New York founded and opened witlj 800 beds for patients 1831 discovery of inductive electricity opened a new ora in tho his tory of medical electricity 1831 Chloroform discovered by Guth rie of New York independently by Liebig 1832 1832 The British Medical Associa tion founded for the promotion of medical science 1832 1850 Immense advances in tho application of electricity to the cure of various diseases 1833 Dr Richard Bright published his rosearehei into disease jt tho kid neys 1837 Total abolition of mechanical restraint at the Lincoln (England) Asylum for the Insane 1838 Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity" Dr Ray of Boston led the way to valuable investigations 1840 An act of Parliament passed defining lunacy and regulating the status of criminal lunatics 1840 Vaccination acts passed by the British Parliament recommending gen eral inoculation 1840 7 of Surgery" published in London Highly esteemed by thq faculty 1811 The first consumption hospital founded: tn London at Bromptou 1848 The first psychological Journal published by Dr Winslow Devoted to mental disease 1848 Tho first orthopedic hospital opened ip London for tho treatment of 1850 The first hcsiBOpathlo hospital Opened In London fPio 111 Saturday Dec 3f Three men were drowned in the tec ond drift ot mine working! of Oak Hill colliery at Delaware Pa by a large body of water breaking intd the gangway from fan old mfner in i Tllack Valley that wm 'abandoned alty years ago and allowed to fill with water The victim are: Olles 7 Blount agod Jlfty two leaves a Ales laborer single Joseph htsnlek labofer'leavci if young1 widow Van'' Meter a' well known Ba vabnatotiio business man was assaulted jfiWxftwl pver with A blunt Inttrnment and ThevJctim succeeded in reach MgteOme ot 8 Marvin where be INANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL National Druggists As sociation appears to be quietly making preparations to wage war on the firms which sell patent medicines at cut rates The former will act under what Is called tho adopted by the whole sale organization and the Medicine Pro Association is estimated that during the year 1803 Montreal speculators have lost over 810000000 in Chicago and New York deals the heaviest lows being made in Chicago 0aln I fr: 1 Told I ii ew Words postal authorities of more than one foroun country will hall with satisfac tion the withdrawarfrom sale of the oi Ion Columbian postage stamps More American letters havo gone astray during the last few months in England and rance than ever before so much so that many banks and lame business houses have asked their American correspondents to use nothing but the old style stamps One of the boldest robberies ever known Is reported at Marshall Toxas An unknown num knocked down an express messenger the depot platform and got away safely with the express pouclms containing between $5000 and $8000 Over a hundred persons were on tho platform at the time Congressman Breckinridge lias compro mised the suit for damages brought by Madeline unity it salt confirmation of dbe rurpor A buttle between the rebels and I government forces is reported to have taken place iu tbe inlenor Llftyoflbe government tro arc said to have been killed ZZ2Z 'miscellaneous the Li'tory '( end of tirm At exUtonce ai: i un November 1 uneral cortege of Carter IL Harrison at Chicago witnessed by over half a million peo pleRepeal bill becomes a lawSeven drowned by a street car going into an open draw at Portland Ore 2 Boiler explosion at New York kills 6 in jures 12 4 Steamer Alexandria burns at sea near Havana 34 burned and drowned Great Britain at furious war with the Matabeles 3 Hundreds killed and the city wrecked by dynamite at Santander Spain Nino drowned by capsizing of a sailboat at New York Spain wages war against the Moors 7 Republican success general Steamers Albany and Philadelphia collide and sink on Lake Huron 24 lost Steamer razer burns on Lake Nipisslng Ont 18 perishDynamite outrage in Spanish theater kills 15 people 8 Six killed outright 30 hurt 0 fatally in a rear end collision on Kock Island at Chicago 9 Historian Parkman dies at Boston our killed in collision at Rising Sun Annie Pixley actress dies at London 10 Announcement of Ha waiian policy a 15 Boid daylight robbery of John A Drake of Chicago $22100 securedGreat Britain's coast strewn with wrecks hundreds perish 19 Strike inaugurated on Lehigh Road Gigantic railway ticket forgery exposed 20 Terrific snow storm in England 21 Death of Jeremiah Rusk ex Secretarv of Agriculture and three times Governor of Wis consin John Johnson for assault lynched at Ottumwa Iowairst snowfall at Chicago 22 $2000000 fire at Springfield Mass 23 Seven perish in the Edson Moore fc Co dry goods Are at Detroit $100000 loss Two degrees below zero at Chicago coldest at this date for twenty one years Gov Pen nover's Thanksgiving Day in Oregon 2A A million dollar fire at Columbus OhioJesse Smith kills his wife and mother in law then suicides at Kankakee Ill uneral of Gen RMsk at Viroqua WisItalian Cabi net reslans 25 Washington Heslng appointed postmas ter at Chicago Mize Internal Revenue Collector 12(00 killed by an earthquake in Persia Schaefer defeats Ives at billiards after a most sensational game Clinton Jor dan kill four others and himself at Seymour Indrench Ministry resigns A $265000 fire at Hannibal MoYale beats Harvard at football 2fi Starving miners on Gogebic range fed 27 Tariff bill made publicMontreal haa an earthquake 80 Thanksgiving Durand building Chi cago burns $185000 Chicago Athletics de feat Boston at football: University of Mich defeats Chicago University Princeton efeats Yale December? 1 Haymarket Theater Chicago burns $10 fire at Philadelphia28 de grees below zero in Northwest stein A Co hide Imp rters fail at New York for a million 2 Blizzard in Northwest: several lives fire at Baltimore 3 Hsaviest snow at Chicago since 1885 gen eral throughout the Northwest VanAleu de clines Italian missionRelief to Gogebicrange miners Bold robbery at Luzerne Iowa Steamer Wheeler wrecked at Michigan City Ind in storm: loss $150 4 53d Congress assembles Rone lo comotive works burn: 50u0u0 lossProf Tyndall dies st London 6 British ship Jaon and sailors lost off Eastham MassNew hngland swept by a blizzard Steamer Avery and 70000 bushels of corn burn at Mackinaw straits loss $125 0O i 9 Anarchist VaiUant throws bomb in rench Chamber of Deputies: 1 killed 70 hurt ttooo robbery and sandbagging of Csahier I Robinson In Chicago Postoffioe $1500000 fire at Buffalo in Troy: 15 Twenty cue men killed by falling of bridge at fire in New in wreck people driven from kyme by floods inMusalp li ebruary I Severe storms in Northwest A Negro ravisher burned at the stake at Paris Texas by a mob numbering thousandsMinister Stevens establishes a protectorate by United States over Sandwich Islands 8 Death of Algernon Sartoris ot Capri Italy 4 Death of Mrs Whitney Pine Ridge Indian murdersHawaiian Commis sioners reach WashingtonTwelve lives lost on eteamer Pomerania by tidal wave 6 Blizzard through Northwest mercury dropping 57 degrees in 10 hours In Montana Nebraska Populists chooser judge Allen Senator 8 Congress counts the electoral vote 9 Perished by fire: 44 lunatics at Dover 2 hotel guests at Centerville Iowa and 4 at Cincinnati Panama boodlers sentenced at Par's II Ten quarrymen killed at Rutland Vt Lincoln memorial services in New Nork and Chicago IX Death of Dr Norvin Green famous tele graph manager atLoulsvilletKySlxmin ers killed at Villa Grove Colo 13 Death of Justice Scholfleld of the Hllnola Supreme Court 14 ight between Kansas Legislators st To peka A 15 President Harrison's message favors Ha waiian annexation Militia assembled at Topeka 17 Populists concede Republicans' claims at Topeka troops withdrawn 18 Bens te confirms Judge Jackson's nomina tion to Untted States Supreme Court ail ure of Manufacturer Walker of Youngstown involving Gov MoKInley ttt000 20 Death of Gen Beauregard at New Orleans Dissolution ot the Reading combine 22 Western Indiana switchmen at Chicago strikeOoservance iu all cities ot Washing ton's birthday American iiag raised on the steamer New rork 23 Death of Rufus Hatch Wall street opera tor at New ork 25 Death of Alanson Reed pioneer i iano dealer Miss Julie orce temporarily insane kills her two sisters at Atlanta Ga Kansas Supreme Court declares the Republi can legislature the legal one u7 alling wall at Chicago kills ten peopleearful storm ot wind snow and rain in vue ixuawiwvau 2ft Battleship Indiana launched at Philadel phia Northwest snowbound March Lauvhlin A McManus Philadelphia bro kers fail tor half a million Big advance in grain 4 Cleveland inauirated President at Washington 8 Bandgate England Is wrecked hr the subsldenee of the earth Safety Mutual Insurance Company ot Bioux City oloeee He doors A money scare in New York causes all markets to decline 10 Many killed and iiJWOOOO lu property de stroyed byflre at Boston llDisastroua floods East and West IU Grand Hirer floods in Michigan 13 ailure of Kansas Trust and Banking Company Senator Ingalls President for 00 000 14 Michigan rivers break all flood recordsNine killed lu an Anderson (L T) mine: our killed by falling walls at Chicago Death of Louis NoMpUiorat prominent Chi cagoah Riy 10 A meeting at Springfield BL 17 Death of Jules erry at St Pa Day generally observed is Death ot "Sgoin Abingdon pugflietio Kansas troops Arata 4 Ai I lan waw vw wR a 4 ts ce i nw irtiun irncnru in aazx xaa uiuvl eases sion at IsOmr iowa i i a a votoran 10 Tremont Temple Boston ourueu rose a Uirage pf Commons of news ot Job's of fretV rance declares Ulorkadn of Siamese porters ui ue a Electrocution horror at Auburn TttrtfleM (Ill rmill exptoiilon loss 1 Siam accepts terms Chicago leg off and id lynched cents lAnkaU Kell Tenfl wiped out by a cyclone: tAugus manx other towns lu that State Missouri and ailure Cudahy and five other Mississippi suffer several fatalities ive finns on Boardot TradePorkdrops burned to death at Cleveland Ohio Tfrom $1950 to H025 5 ailure of Commercial National Bank at 2 Gol reserve again intact orla air I Nashville: run upon all the other local banks Directors fined for contempt of court Death of Col Elliott bhepard editor 4 Murderer Van Loon ot Columbus Grove I New York Mail and Exprcsw I hanged ailure ot Jas Walker it Co "i4 1 nflmns frZivn i tnn rvz SG Artn fWlA TV LSCaiM Ul AUlUUVi U4J KvM4nvsvWV wwz 4 fzv "Harris I 741 lz 1 a wfr I vi a ar I in ria ar A Kiev hlllCU Vf va wv I Conrad Bros alleged murderers kill four whitecaps in Harrison County Ind i i 7 Congtess meets in extra session I Neal nominated bv Ohio Democrats I Big fires in Toledo Milwaukee and Terre i Haute Big importations of gold 11 Alabama citizens am i vi cne jueavimiu gang of outlaws flltoOJrt of gold received at Chicago Currency commands 3 per cent premium over gold Religious at Bom bar: hundreds killed jo fire at Minneapolis 14 ive perish in the Senate Hotel fire at Chicago Seven killed by steamer explosion on Snake Riyer Idaho $152oroi elevator fire at Buffalo $2500 elevator fire at Den ver 1 Great Brit du wins in the Behring Sea Bombay in possession ot 3 howling mob of religious rioters Mosques destroyed hun dreds killed ami troops ordered out Bom bardment threatened by British forces Seven killed in a railroad wreck in Virginia 17 ive thousand men riot at New York air total attendance exceeds Htfioooo more than the Centennial 2X Boies and Bestow renominated by Iowa Tbolloueof Reoresentativc did noth Democrats Scores of lives lost on the Jer Inz Thursday a spirit of pp lrion de drowned Mn Rwept: 110 veloplnj to every htng presented Mr 2i A frcooco fire at Soutli Chicago $15'iooo at i "iison tariff 'nil ill lie tak up inirne 2oooo) at Merced fans cal 1111 uiaieiy on ue aiiuru er toe noino alter tnc noiaav re 'e in 1 Senate Senator Cullom made objections to tbo con fir nation of Uo Illinois postmasters llourlnc mills he last neck imposvd of but X8 men i running expenses ure mer loiiilttoc yearly a suit greater than was requii l'to sup port all the departments the Gov eri3ent the first two years of its ex istence That a larye part this sum is squandered in large to sup erfluous and other employe and in lor vervtninir that it buvs is ob ii ts to anyi ni who wili read tho annual reports of the crc tary that liody Tlie appropriations for tie Senate are recapitulated by a ci rrespondent as fol'ows: or compensation and mile age of Senators 849' 000 for clerical and otl or employes $418Wi: for tingent sq that while it takes less than a half million tl 'llars to pay Senatorsit requires mt re than a half million in addition to make them serviceable to the country It is under the head of contingent ex penses that one can most often a This fund in numerous in stances resembles in that it a multitude of sins" Out of it funerals and oddsand ends of various kinds and amounts are paid Occasionally when great pressure for place an apt propriation for furniture or ma terial is diverted to the payment bf employes and walking paintpots car pets and desks are not strange sights about the Capitol Again men arc put on the rolls as ot who are either employed in some other capacity or not at all and yet certify monthly to having folded so many thousand speeches as will entitle them to draw $75 or pretty fair wages for wrapping up books and speeches Tnis tuna is usea also io pay rur utn I n' hars whoso Decimation as such nowhere disclosed they bly classed as laborers and mistically disguised the tnsyrtaf ar tist is compelled to share tlqe 'modesty of statesmen tried to was disarmed lofore In: weapon Cleveland a Gresham and Carlisle have Potomac on a duck bunting mortgage to secure 82001030 per cent bonds was filed at St Louis by tbo Walter A Wood Harvesting Machine Com pany Only a school house and one dwelling remain at Gaylorsvlllo Ohio liomelesi villagers are being cared for A system of electric roads to connect the cities and towns in northwestern Ohio is projected by Toledo capitalists Milwaukee concerns with ties of $490020 have been placed hands ot assignees for the yearly under arms of men completing their twen tieth year ara to bo enforced in Italy prisoners in the county jail at Lincoln Neb cut a hole lx tho roof dur ing the night and escaped rances Ewing daughter of James Stevenson Ewing United States Minister to Belgium was married to Bayliss Beecher of Memphis Tenn at Baltimore William McWblrroli alias McGuire a crook with a provincial reputation was arrested at Woburn Ont on tho charge of murdering James Williams and bls wife at Port Credit on Dec 14 Sheriff closed up the storoof Gath erlnb Thompson importer of millinery ornaments at New York on executions for 844154 She ts tho wife of John Thompson who failed in 1887 and who has since been doing business in her ownfiiame At St Louts City Attorney James But ler shot and killed a gambler known as up Jim" O'Leary Parmenter a farmer of North west Ellis County Kan shot his grand son and then himself The boy is still liv ing The man died instantly Temporary insanity was the causa Basscr killed William McLean and shot off part ot John face al Howell Ark Morton shot and killed John Tyler la church at Cincinnati Ohio Both aro colored Lira 14 years old has been arrested at Santa Marla Texas upon the charge of horse stealing white men were shot by negroes at WlldwooJ la In an incipient riot Their names could not be ascertained are unconfirmed rumors of a fight among sheep herders in Lincoln County in which three Mexican peons were killed a quarrel over a game of craps at a country church south of Hopkinsville Ky Manuel' Taylor shot and fatally wounded John IjowelL unknown thief smashed the show window of Bauman's Jewelry store in St Louis grabbed all the gold watches and rings in roach and made his escape At Huntingdon Pa a shock of earth quake was felt of sufficient force to awaken many sleepers The duration ot the shock was about five seconds Dauber mother of City Councilman George Dauber Elizabeth was fatally burned at her home She fell on a stove and her clothing became ignited Iron Car Company a neworgani cation at Hazleton Pa which supplants tbe Iron Car Equipment Company an nounces that the works will resume at an early date giving employment to several hundred men nowout of work Charley Hollom bf Winslow Jnd was killed oy a train of cars He was drunk Jimmy" Itest a Liberal Ma farmer filled up on bad whisky aud was run down and killed by a train McLlsh a prominent Choctaw was shot and probably fatally wounded by three assassins near White Chimney Mountain a drunken fight in saloon at Gloucester Ohio Jacob Harris an Innocent bystander was killed and two other menerlously shot a street duel at Lawrenceburg Ky Joo Brown shot and killed Polk Moffett The trouble arose over the arrest of Mof fet's son at church Secretary Carlisle has called for the resignation ot Benjamin Worrell of New Jersey Chief ot Division Beglster's Office Treasury Department Phillips aged SO years a Wealthy farmer was killed at a Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad crossing near Steu benville Ohio by an express train Bleb Sc Silber Dry Goods Com pany one ot the oldest retail dry goods concerns In Milwaukee and tho A WBlch Shoe Company have assigned Joseph Donjon the man who has beenending threatening letters to Vice Presi dent Stevenson and other rromlnent men has been arrested at Washington Waite has issued a eall for the convening of tlie Colorado Legislature in extra session a com knife for a weapon Mrs Ellen Kelly 70 yearr old living near Shawneetown Na off a masked rob ber The Senate and House BjaziHau cable federal etecdons 'and public relief were the measures that Were discussed the Senate Tuesday Presi dent Cleveland sent the naJme of MacVeaRh to the for (jenilmattaii us ambassador to Italy and a big batch of Presidential appointments were taken up and confirmed Chairman Wilson of tbe Committee on Ways and Means formally introduced tbo new tariff bill in the House After filibustering which delayed matters th? Huise passed the urgency deficiency bill Senators nn Wednesday discussed the need of gO' roads and passed the urgency deficiency bill without amendment Mr Hoar attacked tho lezailtv of Blount's ap pointment as Comm lssloner Hawaii Nominations of qKiny JJliucis rust mas ters were sent In Wavne MacVesirb was confirmed as ambassador to Ttalv The Now York and Now Jurey Lt bill ns amended in conference wn passed by both Louses Secretary GirlN' report was submitted to on ress Ilo recom mends an issue of bonds to Increase the men hold up a train near Valparaiso Ind 12 Rainfall In Central and Northern States breaks drought of three months 14 Wood County (Wisconsin) towns swept by tiro Rebels capture Rio de Janeiro 15 Openlug of Cherokee Strip Bandits rob a train ot $76 ooo near Calumet Mich 1H Centennial celebration of laying Capitol corner stone at Washington Nine killed 20 hurt on Illinois Central at Manteno Ill i r' Many injured by burning of Canton III Opera House $100 ooo ratten family six i people murdered at Washington Ind 20 Nine rioters killed at Roanoke Ya at an attempted lynching i 21 Mob lynches and bums Robert Smith at Roanoke 22 Eleven killed many injured on the Wa bash at Kingsbury Ind 23 Attempted daylight robbery ot Normal School safe at Valparaiso by two masked men: one robber an ex student killed bis brother i captured $3oooo fire at Perry la 25 $1000000 fire at St Joseph MoTwo train robbers killed near rancis Mo and I three captnred 27 Two killed on the Grand Trunk at Belle vue Mtcb two at Crescent City Iowa on the I Northwestern: three at Mobile Ala on the i Belden shoots three men on the I Chicago Board of Trade 1 23 Jas McGrath notorious Chicago orlm Inal killed by officers after he had murdered I Jas Behan Twenty eight miners drowned Ly flooding of Crystal alls Mich mine October 1 Two thousand people drowned MiOOOOO property loss in great Gulf storm iana coast 2 Boyd's Theater Omaha burned iloss $500(100: several firemen killed 9 Chicago Day at the air paid admissions 713 GW Parkersburg Iowa destroyed by fire 12 $500000 fire at Sioux City $130000 at Wayne Ind 480 horses burned in South Chi cago car barns South Atlantic coast swept by hurricane 13 Twelve killed nne hurt in a wreck at Jackson wins final race and the yachting cup from the Valkyrie 14 ooo fire at Detroit 15 ourteen vessels go ashore on great lakes Steamer Dein Richmond and schooner Minne haha lost thirty sailors drownSteamer Woco*ken and thirteen ot her crew lost 16 Thirty hurt none fatally on the WabashKing City Mo swept by fire ive killed by dynamite at Emington ill 18 $35000 0 fire at New York Obituary Gounod the composer at Paris Mrs Roscoe Conkling in New York Mrs Lucy Stone Blackwell at Boston Directum trots a mile 19 Grand Trunk wreck at Battle Creek Mich 27 cremated fifty hurt 26 ire in Lincoln Neb prisonMail steamer City of New York runs ground in San rancisco harbor total loss Three killed on Ar A A road in Michigan 27 $1 W0 000 fire at Pittsburg Marshall ield gives $1000000 to the Chicago Colum bian Museum 28 Carter Harrison Mayor of Chicago assassinated at his home by Patrick Eugene Prendergast a crazy disappointed oflloe seeker 30 Senate passes billClose of Solumbian Exposition shrouded in gloom by 9asinatiQn 2e Escape of Murderer Latimer from Jack i son Mich prison after poisoning two guards I 28 Capture of Latimer Death of Gen Kiruy at nuwauev 1CUU 1 30 Thos Bayard appointed minister to I England! rench cabinet resigns I Anril 1 1 ive lives lost in burning hotel at Brad 1 fordvpa Te miners killed at Shamokin Pa our killed Ly boiler explosion at La 1 cona Iowa 4 Carter Harrison elected mayor or Chicago bv ijMi jority I Reappearance of cholera In Russia Pu gilit Donovan killed at Syracuse Dedication of the Mornmn Temple at Salt Lake Murderers executed at Pittsburg sank bleeding and unconscious Ba Jsdn a pru carl jus condition and cannot utter an Intelilguut nord Cl Chancy was arrested at La a Cola forsaking aji Eag I Cou ty mine and selling it to Denver tcndcrfcct At the Lang Cllffc Colliery near Avoca Pa while Richard Clark and Peter nilnerz were propping a dangerous section of roof the mass gave way bury ing them beneath it and causing their In stant doath A Polish laborer who was assisting them seriously injured At the Heidelberg mine near Dooner accidentally dropbed a from his lamp into a keg con taining powder The explosion that fol lowed resulted in death and con siderable Injury to that part of the mine shoplifters carried away a tray of diamonds valued at $2500 from the store of Peaco*ck at Chicago Ioui3 Paquet arrested at Crawfords ville Ind turns out to be a noted former who has been operating heavily Alien Cousans was hanged at Knox ville Tenn for the murdei 4 ids wife in May last rank Gordon of Ciicw was mur dered for his money by Mexicans In Pre sidle County near tho Rie Granda I Seth ('rawford colored killed his step father Billy Crawford in Henry County Tennessee while (he lattcT was Lcatlmr Tremendous wind and hail storms at Clii cagn and Erie Vat prairie fires iu Nebraska and South Daketx ji Death m' Manuel Gonzalez cx Presideni of Mexico at City of Mexico II CyclorfCM In Missouri Valley: many Ilves lo and vast property loss Colliery disas ter in Wales upward of lives lost IJ Ypsilanti Mbdi nearly wired out by a ey Rm many lives lost iu Mississippi ami Missouri by storms News ot lowering of American flag in Hawaii ly Commisioner Blount 14 Semite adjourns nuc di is inancial flurry at Lansiiu Mich 2 ailure of Loan and Trust Company of Sioux City Burning of irst Regiment Armory at Chicago two lives lost damage jJuooi Men oi war leave Hampton Roads tor New York 20 Sixty two killed by cyclones iu Oklaho ma Terrine storms sweep me iukcs 27 XV81 parade at New York greatest the his ry of the world Death ot Goudv or Cldieigo Pork advances over rtr barrel Amiivf lNfirv birth 2s Liberty Beil arrives in Chicago with Duke of vrragua and President levciana 2'' Cisco Tex devastated by cyclone killed 2 31 in iured si Six perish in a fire at Burlington la May 1 Opening of World's air by President Cleveland 2 Heavy property loss in Miami Valley by floods 3 Lwiston 0 reservoir second largest iu breaks gicat property damage no lawjWfeOa Panic in stocks in New York i al I street five lines fail re cciver appointed for the Cordage Trust 5 White New York broker fails again 6 German army bill defeated Reichst dis solved Herbert Tarnney lynched at Monn tain Lion Minn i 7 Ten killed In a wreck et Lafayette Ind 1 Six boiled to death by escaping steam on i an Ohio River boat 8 irst electric illumination of World's air Chemical National Bank Chicano fails Six more die from the river steamer disaster Carlyle Harris exe cuted at Sing Sing 9 Commissioner Blount appointed Minister to Hawaii vice Stevens resigned 11 Break in levees below Memphis vast damageColumbian Bank fails at Chicago 1 Dynamite outrage at Muscatine low? I 12 ailure of many banks in Indiana Michi gan Illinois and Ohio branches of the col lapsed Columbia National at Chicago Cam I panla crosses the Atlantic in 5 days 14 hours and 40 minutes I 13 Plankinton Bank of Milwaukee success fully meets a big run 1 Lynching at Bedford Ind Ten miners I killed at Calumet Mich 15 Lynching at Brownstown Ind 16 Murderer Aliny handed at Concord air Directory vote to return Government loan and open Sundays National Editorial Association convenes at Chicago 17 Seven killed by explosion at Geneva Ill Many lives lost by flood in Ohio and Penn sylvania Nine sailors perish at Conneaut and 3 at Ashtabula Ohio in marine disaster our lite savers drown at Cleveland 19 Resignation of Italian Ministry Span ish Infanta Eulalia received at Washington 2u $1500 (XK) fire loss at Saginaw Mich $70C0 at Antigo Wis Ten men perish in forest fire in Missaukee County Mich 22 Cruiser New York makes J109 knots an hour fastest time recorded for a war ship 23 Wm Sullivan lynched at Corunna Michour killed by a windstorm at Cleveland 24 Oueen birthday 20 ailure of Chas oster ex Secrctary of the Treasury at ostoria Ohio for $600 Obu many concerns involved 27 ailure of Weaver Getz cool deal ers Chicago for 000 0 2 air open on SundaySuicide of Milburn son of the Chaplain of Con gress Burning of Baltimore sugar refinery $2(00000Exposition flyer from New York for Chicago runs 280 miles in twenty hours 29 News of loss of British steamer Ger mania with seventy four persons 80 General observance of Memorial day Tune 2 Steamer Corslca sinks unknown schooner and crew In Lake Huron 3 Schaeffner Co bankers Chicago fail for over a million: Schaeffner commits sulcidA Cloudburst and fatal fire at Omaha ive persons perish in a burning New York tene ment Lynching at Decatur 111Twenty six Mexican miners perish in a burning mine at uente 4 Meadowcroft Bros Chicago bankers fail 5 Run on eight big Chicago banka two small failures Bentonville Ark bank robbed of $10000 one man killed 6 Infanta Eulalia of Spain visits Chicago 7 Death of Edwin Booth $3000000 fire at argo 8 A train robbery of $10000 near orest Lawn: Ill Wheat touches (3 lowest record for Chicago Gov McKinley renomin ated Injunction to close air Sun days 9 Collapse of ord Theater building at Washington 22 pension clerks killed Riot on Chicago's drainage canal 6 killed 10 Chief Justice uller stays World's air closing injunction 12 Capture of Sontag California bandit Demonstration hostile to Cot Ainsworth at ord Theater Inquest 18 Start of the Chadron Chicago cowboy race 14 irst fatal accident at the air on the alldlntr Mllwtv 17 United States Court at Appeals sustains Sunday opening ot the air 18 Mining towns on Mesaba range destroyed by fire Adams Block Chicago burns loss $301100(1 Ten killed 28 Injured on Long Island railroad Lizzie Borden acquitted at New Bedford Mass 21 Seventeen killed by storms in Eastern Kansas Seven killed 30 injured by lightning at Ringling's circus River alls is our iperishln a Duluth fire hundred and nlfifttv hv cholera at Mecca 22 Commemoration of ort Dearborn massa cre at Chicago Attendance at air reaches 127(00 without special attraction 23i Sinking of 8 Victoria and loss of over 00 seamen off Tripoli 24 Boundless wins the American Derby at Chicago In 2:38 26 Got Altgeld pardons Neebe ieldon and Schwab Chicago anarchists $7 John Berry 'Of Black Hills country wins tne l0i'0 mile cowboy race Chadron Neb to Chicago in 13 days 16 hours India suspends free coinage ot silver 29 Silver drops to 62 and wheat to both marks lov est known 90 Cleveland calls extra session of Congress i July Dedication of New York State's monu ment at Gettysburg i ish Josephs Co fl re at Chicago $300 QCOL 4 $74000 people at oriel's air 4th celebra tion Paris under guard several rioters killed 6 Scores killed by a cyclone in Western Iowa 1 7 Death of Associate Justice BlatchfordLynching and burning of 8 Miller a negro at Bardwell hy Arrival of the cara vels at Chicago Riot at Christian Endeavor convention at Montreal 9 Montreal riot continued 10 Twenty one firemen and Columbian guardfi perish by the burning of the Cold Storage Building at air money loss tuwaio 12 Viking ship arrives at Chicago Prince ton Ind swept by fire Ottumwa la iack ing house burned $25n( Q0t 15 German army bill passed 16 Day st World's air 17 ont killed many hurt in a Chicago grade crossing accident $7500000 fire in Lou don i 18 Six Denver banks fail 7 7 20 Riok st Wler City Kao miners strike 21 Ricisrd Shoemaker of Metropolis Ill kills Rlcflard and George Lukens and himself 22 Lee Walker negro lynched and burned at Memphis for fqur assaults 23 Paulding swept by fire loss $2500001World's air dosed Sundays 26 rance gives notice of intended blockade nf Rlimftw nerrta 1 TemnerainraUi demee at Chicago 8 prostrations 2ft Excursion train wrecked near Akron 0 8 killed 20 hurt Bank failures at Milwaukee a rrosi'r4 were kllied viz Ltlfi'l Mis Ml9 (lari A Stevens wa fatally Injured our people were injur at YVJIkes barre Pa by a runaway ulloy car nr Dana HilL Mrs Mary Ovv'D had lie bead and arms rut Miss Lillie Kihi? was hurt about tho head Nellie Jon 1 face was lacerated and Mias Lilli'' Ile I Illi I llflll 11 IlllUlJllUe plosion uv juhjh series 1 in bonuf disaster the titul been swept by 'iih'rnbnL floods and in he latb pestilence has rtpilT the werfi the fC 'iir of manv sad loss of lift? A vhanpo in the fid ministration national it'uurrcd early in the year and in the fall elec tions were Rel'i which indicated a bquare oppo it1 political drift Abroad anion the minor powers the usual story of international rifl is rehearsed Even at the clos 1 of the year Brazil and several of the Central American 'powers art? rent with in ternal strife and dissension Conti nental Europe has been uict but the year chronicles some of the most ap palling disasters of the century on land and sea The sinking of II Victoria by rhe Camperaown is the Rt lonL Dois Day at the World's air paid attendance I Riot of unemployed at Chicago if 1 teen killed and 4" injured on Long Island road 2 Riotous mob at Chicago Savannah (ol swept by hurricanes many lives lost House repeals Sherman law ourteen killed at Spencer Mass on the Bo tonAind Albany Attendance at tbe air parses iouoOuoci September 1 Home rule passes Commons Tomah Wis burned 2 Suicide of Dr Graves at Denver right ful street railway accident at Cincinnati 4 Labor day 5 A parade at Indianapolia 6 Loss of Haytian gunloat Alexander Pel ton and 89 men in Gulf of Mexico 7 Death of Hamilton ish Secretary 1 of State Twelve killed 20 hurt at Colehour Ill on ort Wayne Road 1 Home rule defeated in the House of I ords Death of IL Hooley Chicago theatri cal manager A daughter bom to President and Mrs Cleveland Tremendous loss of life by floods IU liXlld 11 Parliament of Religions at Chicago A paying steep price $25u(M(i fire at Pullman 111 Twenty masked tcAfnl nnl juo'nsi tin How the World John Knipe and son ere killed by the explosion of a thresher boiler at IjOgan Ohio Ed Itoss colored 19 year's old was arrested for breaking into the depot at ort Gibson I Surveyor of Customs Alexan der of Omaha has sent his resigna tion to the President Ten prisoners disarmed the guards in the Palarm convict camp Arkansas and secured their liberty Henry Gerber a Warsaw (Ind gardener was fatally beaten by a mur derous visitor in search of plunder The strikes at I in volving 5 TOOpersens fell through the manufacturers making slight joneos sions The Buffalo Real Estate Exchange jc appointed a committee of five to ur(je the Legislature to enlarge the Erie Canal A New York relative cf Montana Millionaire Davis thinks there is a plan 'i4 to defraud her and wants the case re opened George Debruler a peacemaker at Petersburg Ind found it necessary to kill Jamee Campbell one of the bellig orents: Annie Wagner told her story in her trial for poisoning the Koesters at Indianapolis making a good pression 1 Hog cholera is epidemic near Web ster City Iowa and hundreds of ani male are dying Tho loss so far roaches 845000 Newton Hanks hanged himself to a rafter at Pittsburg Kan He was attired in feminine clothes of the finest oualitv John Heaco*ck a rejected suitor killed Annie and Sadie Hempie near Burbank Dj and then put a bullet in his brain 'A Small agent of the Big our Railroad "at Kesslers Ohio has been arrested a shortage in his accounts being alleged 1 Capt Paul KeVz a river man and a prominent citizonKof Galena I1L dropped dead from hearl JajlmjQonthe street there last evening Hunter Wilson a qstcckman in Baxter County Arkansas was mu dered and his wife fatally wounded by robbers who secured 81000 Some Medical i read in street cars or other jolting vehicles Don't smoke Immediately after meals (Better not at all) take animal food more than twice daily (Ones is enough) let your entire fojd exceedsS' thirty four ounces in twenty four hours drink green tea and use black tea moderately (Or better not at all) nurse a child under one month i of mje of toner than every hpur and a attempt to clean the ears with anything but tho tip of the little finger te feed a child three months old oftener than every three hours and twice at night forget that healthy persons generally lose weight in winter ana gain in summer plan to kidnap Ruth Cleveland haa 'just come to light at Abilene Kan ive persons including two women entered into plot expecting If successful to be able to claim large ransom The discovery was made by the police through the find lug of some letters written by Rock 1 and frorn ka tahfl hao DBfln and Jan 10 had been 'mJ I 4 1" 1 NQMttMmM MMBM twifr HriTH TV i 71 A a rzHai I minj i nnr uir iwinnTn iwiTinini im mi i 4 fl All 7 11 i 4 I 4 A I 4 i A I ail 9 5 a I i I.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.