The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)

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9 SATURDAY SEPT 15 1H04 GLEflRflNGE SALE Dealer in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all Kind' Rolls Prices that Cannot be GooK an Healing stoves Pickles Plum Equaled ruit Special attention given tu tin work Lenmiria East Side Old Doyle Building El Paso HL Grern Tea Black Tea her Blacksmithing has r' ALL WORK WARRANTED 6 Pianos Organs Sewing Machines HARRY KREiDLER 3XMessrs Ray Evans Ed Burroughs gVo Ray Burton Hurd Ira Hamm Dealer in BUGGIES General BICYCLES Yours truly PATTON BONER No 2 Oats and Corn BURTIS West ront St East Side El Paso Illinois Dealer in NEWTON ji IRON AND STEEL ROOING NORTH Proprietor CAMPBELL HOUSE Metal Ktc Liveru and eed ESTIMATES URNISHED pn application Illinois Gentral GOOD ROADSTERS floriouliiiral imDlBinonis 0 trip plus 1800 Incon iouse El TON 5 'many 1 3 4 Because they have the largest stock in Woodford county Because they keep an exclusive boot and shoe stock instead of a i JJ HEN KELL I 8 AUCTIONEER io TIME TABLE wear dkj gold culyabcot halfas mocmandw 4 And draft horses wanted for which the highest market price will be paid I We also take orders for Al Born Co the cheapest The tew hu grcov on each end A collar run ttown iamde the Sen de nt (Mun) and to into tna fToaem Srmlv loaOrnv tb how to the peadaat no inai caooot pulled or twitted oS a ie US In the best style and at lowest prices I or wagon and buggy repairing I will keep all kinds of woodstock on hand Work done on short notice and Special attention given to traveling men 4 and canvassers uneral turnouts a specialty ELPASO ILLINOIS Highest Market Price 'fl or We mark our goods in plain figures so you can judge for yourself Buggies Case and Tricycle Plows Harrison and lilhn I have opened a blacksmith anil wagon shop at old stand and am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith and the Idea Ot the Non pull out Bow The great watch taxer Saves the watch from thieves sad cannot be polled ofl arm SrtwcLnrtta and Merchandise Twins awwiuatue 'T yr1 i HENKELL Mteonk HL rtamora a resolution by the supervisors accept ing a deed for the parkin Eureka as a site for the new court honae in case the vote resulted in a victory for Eureka Eureka presented the deed as a showing of and good faith in the matter and it was accepted by a vote of 9 to 6 It enta no figure in the elec tion and of course is void if Eureka win ConeMtonal Convention The republican congressional con vention for the eleventh district of Illi nois will be held at Streator Thursday September ST 1894 at one o'clock for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for congress to lie voted for at the ensuing November election and to transact such business as may properly come before the convention Each county in said district will be en titled to one delegate for each 150 votes cast for Harrison electors in 1892 and one delegate for each fraction of 50 or more such Bureau LaSalle Livings tea Woodford Total By order of the committee Weight Adams Chairman Robinson Sec retary TwVmsi CliK Dated Vw IKv 1 MUHNVa fari ftftturt niinniAJ A CAYAKeSoitcfiiv (or com In Chicago it guaranteed Suits from $15 upward Special attention given to horseshoeing and to feet Interfering corns etc cured and prevented Terms reasonable Give me a trial GEO STAMBACH DAVID EVANS In Worley warehouse south of TP rWlt Sun aVhvzi uLuikr a small side line 8 Because know the 'boot and shoe business and know what they are selling you oecause tney guarantee their goods Because they keep the newfest and latest styles 1 a Because you will be' treated cour teously Because you want the best goods for the least REPAIRS Bananits Grai eacht? Many of the knocking her to ie him guilty nne at nTtv dollars 'rhe defendant said it would be impottuble to raise that amount but he said if the fine was made ttvlnty flve dollars he could gvt it so the balance was remitted and be gave bond for twenty five and corts the council meeting Saturday evening three saloon licenses were granted: To Campbell John Kearney and ft itsgerald Messrs Newton Sheen and Gough are sureties for Mr Campbell Mrs Chris tine Kearney Tim Kearney and Edwin Welch are on Mr bond and Messrs Michael itsgerald and Michael O'Neil subscribed to Mr itsgerald's papers The water question was tackled in earnest and it was voted tot exited the main on irst street to A 0 north to Shaw and east to Rev Wm North AjThsTmsJti vmrling vl Baptist church will be north one block then east two Works to Mr Geo Andrews On the West side the irst street main extended from Dr Smith's office four blocks west This will 'give thtf' best fire protection possible and the expense will use theppropriatton5'ltfwas voted to buy pipe by the ton £nd have work done by home labor3 a must eommendable decision Two ardiaanceawere passed one in relation to the sale of cider on Sunday and two regs tiling the sale of intoxiwuita by a' The'' regular 2 unloh meeting wag hel4fn the Baptist church Sunday qvenjng instead of dqfffring it until the mitral tbne 'the'lMt Snndav in the mnuth Revs Medbwy and Jeffries made addreasea 2TbeirsnbJeiefwaa the recent grahtinjfbf'ialoan more particularly the council meeting a week ago MyJeffrles spoke of what We have the Packard and Western Cottage Organs the Standard New Home White Ideal and Singer Sewing Machines and will get any Piano on the market at lowest figures DELTA LANDS In Mississippi to which these Excursions run It should tie noted that the Harvest Excursion of Oct 9th will give an opportunity to visit the In order to close out our summer stock so as to make room for fall goods we will offer you anything in the above line at GRAIN DEALER Elevator East ront Street The ureserve the natural teeth rootrt and make them better than ever they were Call and consult me before losing them Will gladly explain Remember my work is WARRANTED Office over store Tuesdays of each week at Gridley AIL correspondence promptly answered Hale STATE ILLINOIS Woodford OnuntT I8 In the Circuit Court of said County to Aug ust urm IBM GeorgeGoetei 1Chanrvrv William Goebel and IMU Arthur Goebel uW Publie nolle la hereby given that In pur suance ot a decree of said court entered on the Hth day ol August A ISM tn thq above emitted cause I IrVing Master in Chan cery of said Woodford county eWeutl court wUl at the hour of o'clock In the afternoon on Tuesday Oct 18M the front door of the postoffiee In El Paao ta Woodford county Illinois mil at jnttete vendmtatbhlahM and bett bidder the followtngtdcsertbed real estate to wit: The norikronablrdAiJO uf the east one half C4 of tetwoted 4be Money to Loan at 6 Per Cent On farm or city property In any section of the country where property has a Axed market value Money ready for immediate loans where security and title la good No commis sion We solicit applleauotu Blanks fur nished upon request Allen ft Co 40nd 43 Broadway New York 1 Currant Lemc COME AND SEE new form of painless extracting Also ween i can iakc me old I AW Your local railroad ticket agent will LU II give you full particulars In regard Us DATE these HARVEST EXCURSIONS tin I which will be run via the Illinois Cen tral Railroad on dates quoted below to points West Southwest and South at the low rate of one i are tor me ronnu nectlon with these have all returned to school in Champaign university oreman niece of Mrs Rev Howard has gone to rankford station Ill where she will spend the winter with an aunt Elder Doney preached to a large number of the Methodist breth ren in the German Evangelical church last evening The Journal force has been satis fying their fruit appetites on some fine specimens of grapes furnished by Mr Geo Gibson Mrs Geo Pfleeger and balte of Swanington Ind are visiting Mr and Mrs Sheppard and other relatives in this neighborhood Supervisors Gerberich of this town ship 'and de Vries of Panola went to the county seat this morning to attend a meeting of the board Passenger traffic was good Monday and every train brought a dozen or more transfers for Normal or for Eureka young people on the way to school have received a sample copy of the B'ninebayo Summit edited at orest City la The editor is Platt formerly of this locality and he is get ting out a mighty good paper eighteen months old child of Mr and Mrs Lewis Clausen died Sat urday noon from spasms the result of indigestion The funeral was held Mon day from St Mary's church and was at tended by a large number JQ Mrs Lafe Burger who was operat ed on some three weeks ago at Mr Dil linger's is in town risiting and is perfectly wel kJ SjhcHsttW ffomoain for the first time iqfover three years and her friends are rewiring with her Koonts was arrested Monday morning for assaulting and striking his wife and was brought before 'Squire Moore for trial Koonts and his wifi had trouble some time ago and turned to her former hi He has been woj and we Cha only be hxd with cues JHfcsmpedwkb this trtdc mirk Igf uysa Twwiwun vases ire Xtted whb ikfs greT bow (ring) They i casrx um gnxnateed gwwca lie Old Reliable Oily Meat Markets resh Salt Smoked Meats ish and Oysters EAST SIDE EL PASO ILLINOIS Why Suffer Pain? When everyone can be pleased at Dr Scho field dental parlors INTER STATE AIR at SIOUX CITY to be teid from Oct Sth to 14th the magnitude and ancceaa of which fair la already beyond doubt 3r Aak your home Agent for a special Harvest Excursion folder Issued by the Illi nois Central Should you not be Within call of a railroad ticket agent address A Hanson 4 Illinois Central Chi cago Ill SNx KB Southern express nt No Hl Local mall No 103 Local freight 11 Nte ie Local maDisriop No IOS Northern No IM Local freight 11:30 a AU trains ran daily except Sunday Evawt Agent bi A Express No 4 Chicago expnsM No Atlantic LSAAS I UPhloa raro 4f' A Rare Root rom the Roanoke Call i Uncle Allen McCord went down to the Mackinaw the fore part of this week and brought home with him a piece of the root of the plant known as man ol the reputed as possessing rare medicinal properties One curious feature of the plant is the length of the root which penetrates the ground to the depth of five or six feet or even deeper according to some authorities The plant is now scarce though it was once plentiful in these regions Ernst Zimmerman thechein ist lias this specimen in possession and is testing it A Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and posi tively cures piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded Price twenty five cents per box or sale by John Michels druggist 48 ly What They were There or here" said the boss painter when he came into the shop and fodnd the men discussing the ball game didn't hire you fellows to talk I hired you to make 1 Saratoga Chips Potato Salad breal Steamed Com Bread on Brown Bread RBL1HHBS Chete JKhUlKA LCrape Apple: vi ajjoei i KKR Vocoannt LHnon 'f'PQ Ice 'RISKS Joffee RTtit*l OramrftH Applet) Mp ft fSanumilOWAm a i Ata 50pm se 14 a it mi thtJ a ksumrav tijmut apply JHT Bud Ageuu Why yon should buy BOOTS AND SHOES the meeting of the council which they were describing and they each spoke with ap earnestness and a warmth un usual even for them 7vn WediiwTioi'ii Dail'i reached 6G5 in Chicago Sat urday The opera house excavation is pro cessing nicely Straight was in Bloom ington yesterday rank Cassell of Peoria is vis iting relatives here 7 Jacob Phillips has returned to St college Pern Ill Miller of is visitin relatives in this city Mrs Geo Bell returned from visit in Indianapolis Monday eve Vollmer of Peru Ill been visiting Mrs John Becker George of Chicago is visiting her sister Mrs Gibson Katie Corridan is home from Peoria to see her folks and the fair Jennie lesher has been visit ing her sister Mrs George Ogden of Money Creek Messrs Ed and Lew Worley re turned home yesterday from their Ohio and Kentucky visit Mrs Sam Schofield and children came up from Hudson yesterday to visit relatives and the fair Mr John Houtz took advantage of tlie excursion rates yesterday and is visiting in Albion Neb noon train north yesterday was greatly delayed on account of excessive harvest excursions Mackinaw has lieen and a this week owing to the heavy rains Saturday and Sunday and Mrs Ed Mezger and the former's mother all of Dwight are visiting friends in the city Mr Chas Stivers marshal arrived iterday morning from Metamora and is doing duty in the same old mannerAiliss Belle Shut has gone to Wiscon sin where she is employed by the cocoa firm with which she was engaged last year Contractor Jobst who has charge ob the bank building was over yester day looking over the ground The ma terial is arriving and LWorl'ey went to Cedar Rapids la 'last night to examine a tract of land near there with a view to purchasing Maurice Polhemus is quite iil from the effects of a fall received last week resulting in internal injuries She is reported as improving Miss Emma Zinner and Elsie Swartz and Mesars Leonard Zinner and Verne Swartz have entered school at the Wesleyan They expect to keep house in Normal wreck near Mendota delayed the sonth bound passenger several hours The trains were compelled to make a circuit of thirty miles or more to get around the obstructed point rv Mr and Mrs Lewis Clausen desire to express their heartfelt thanks to their neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted them during the sickness and death of their little daughter Myrtis Ethel 0 Cotton left for Oelxirne Kan yesterday afternoon to visit When he returns he will bring his two cljAdren with him who have lieen there 'with Mrs Barrett who formerly kept house for him this city The city of Lexington has offered teh dollars for information leading to the conviction of the person who threw: a cat into the tubing in the new water works If the an: covered in time might have ChnroliUo I ra Nsifinnal UfimQ Dililflinn onrl I Ann 11UIIUIIUI IIUIIIU UUllUlllg dim LUQII HOdU II Of BLOOMINGTON ILL Shares (per value) $10000 Why have the annoyance and expense of a projiertv owner when Instead of Investing property you can pnreliaM non taxable stock in the National ilfome JBuild tng ahd Loan This stm not no trouble but? will yield you not less thaniSO per cenL het puYouf investment with the security tliat first mnrt4ra47Mi nn wwl cMtni A itewilliam Pn Will itxwilliam Sec Potter (Vice Pre Whitmer TreA RftJtENr'jjR: LCpMym 'Jndgn McLean county conft Evans Hqmnliteya Evans Neville Portmaster Isams Phillipa Rail OwnmiarionerIL DeMotte Nupt Illinois Orphans' Home: WlMcr PreaTJU AVealeyau lTmveraityEIwin Hewitt Pres IllStete Nornml Uniwraityi OwenTReevcs Circuit Judge Itowell Con ijfgrwwmaa Jha ifer Ex Governor for El Paso nnd yieinity mS Henry Ertie of Peoria was here Monday on business Rnssell Dawson entered school in Normal yesterday Postmaster Robinson was in Jbgiria Sunday afternoon A daughter was bom to Yam lert and wife this morning De la Ganlie of Gridley was here a short time Saturday A Shur returned home Sat urday from his trip to Ohio Paul and Harry Howard have entered school at Normal Nell Patterson visited in Belle Plain the latter part of last week Mollie Hazel of Peoria is vis iting Grandpa Tegard and family Han ey Dye of airbnry has been visiting relatives here several days Sturgeon of Peoria has leei) visiting his folks since Saturday evening Squire Lynch of Strawn visited among the Cleary families relatives of his Monday Mr and Mrs Evans have gone to New York state to visit relatives and friends Miss Ida Cavan and Mr John Pleasants will attend Eureka college the coining year 'lib XVCDUL xllLvIi JIi (lULUUil'G ulvtl uwni fli Tfi ii iVnUbLc) Ibb i I IIL vlo I ens He was born September 5 and Mrs Jerry Ray are in Pittsburg Pa attending the encamp ment and visiting the latter's sister Mr Rob'Schofield came over from Peoria Saturday night to see his parents who had just returned from England There are forty nine divorce cases on the MeLean county court docket which are being disposed of this week Mr Hamilton of Indianapolis accompanied by his family is visiting relatives and friends in and near this Ppara Id people occupied seats in the amohitlipaten during the after noon but manyiotheA were afraid of the threatening wcathA and hurried towards home The unzzling showers spoiled the latter part of the day but the association guests emoved the forenoon in a pleasanvmanner CREEK rank Duval is on a visit to relatives in Indiana Mike Sterling of Chicago was wit us this week Shi rman Phillips spent last week with his parents here Mrs Jas Danforth visited Bloom ington friends last week Mrs King and Mrs Adams of was in this vicinity Tuesday Winkleman will soon move to Evan new residence Mrs Bruce Lefurge of Eureka called on friends here Monday VanCamp of Cruger called here the first of the week laherty expects in "a few weeks to move his family to Decatur Stumbaugh is in Iowa buying stock His wife is visiting her parents in Chicago Mrs Mat Wilson and Miss Elsie Payne of Eureka spent Sunday with Mrs Beistle ought to have been done and Mr Med 1 OLD DAY bury descriheil what was done Acol a tl rul lection was taken to 1 seut to the ni are Entertained forest fire sufferers in Minnesota ami Old People's day is always a red Wisconsin The speakers scored in noflJttCr day with the El Paso fair and it' unmeaning terms those who bad taken i proved to be a deciped attraction ester any part in the overturning and under 4ay Many more accepted the invita mitiing the decision at the ballot box tion than was expected on account of last spring The ballot box they said the bilious looking weather and the waathe final appeal and when a queti 1 tables spread for the banquet proved to tion was fairly and squarely settled by be inadequate andmanv were fed at the vote no petition should be considered second tabled It wasnfr the children In regard to the treatmeutthe women's tMtrSRITowait Ithis tjfae 225 petition had received the speakers said partook of the elegant inner spread bl it was unprecedented Every legislative the ladies of theVPrbyterian church body pays heed to petitions nn(j enjoyed the oter things prepared Both the gentlemen who spoke attended by the association) The following was the bill of fare for the banquet: NEATS Turkey horned ileef Chicken Tongue Hani Salmon ENTREE Boston Baked Beans Chicken Salad White Breaif Ho No 'SPeorta special Nx Pxeltte express Werti Pteifcaxpnur Nty 13 TtategW NO ISWxyfratahl N17Tta frrijrt wulijl HMHteflexMM KUHN BROS: Because they have the greatest va riety of goods Because they tell fit the lowest Because they keep the liest goods in El Paso LOCALS h'roni Tumlityx Jirtily Mra John Becker spent Sunday in wlvwOUgLAS $3 SHOE NOVaMtAKtHCb 5 CORDOVAN KoMitefaiBcAtr POLICE a Soos LADIES i fckSENO MTMOtVE L'MUUUWto 'I ROCKTON MASSap Wy urehale iLta4tTSnnlitereror ria mw SriStt'hif! oMe mmv tktUM BVU MW We tarn them wU 3 L1r atailuKf iltifi lfVOUr AkfiL? caaoalMppte M47 rvrravoo si neWai PHILAOI t' ih if I P' mW? St I A jmeJ i ur in TfiL iinic" jri i uMf itb 1 6 rC 1 A fKI vz: rlUJME flMWTtXWMrar ikH mwK JWvMMRNtMrTnrormatlan HOT fi skhtcx in renra to the nunoua yazoo uuit HIT UIWSII iKrrnRjr 1 II 3 1 1 rni 7 Ilium 4 a I 4 I IiPt zl TNijrzKJTT i )) Ji Mtwr JtWond ItiakUt rtteSnSBK ffiiUnL 51 41 awRWi avi aruytajic it wsmeib jwmr min i uk ame'nwwa laansMtnsiai we are II advertUedahoei ifiiXiiiNKuiR prteeMtbe5idi0M ciuMnf' work Lcncase Cn? i TTTlillT? TTJE yM iH 1 4'7 Inrrrti TA fw.

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The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6354

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.