Read Flower Stealing Master Chapter 1 (2024)

Chapter 1

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Read Flower Stealing Master Chapter 1 (1)


This is Goblinslate and I will be translating the novel Flower Stealing Master. This is a novel by the same author as Keyboard Immortal and it’s also the first novel written by him. This is a very good novel and will be a satisfying read especially for those who like Harem, Intelligent Protagonists, Kingdom Building, and all the Ecchi stuff that comes along with it.

This is my first time translating a web novel. So please feel free to point out any mistakes. For now I will be translating in my own pace, but it may change depending on the situation.

That’s all from me! Enjoy~


Song Qing was full of hatred. He was an orphan since he was a child. He worked very hard to survive in the society, and built a big family business at a young age. He entered the upper-class society and there he met that woman.

She was beautiful and elegant, and there were many excellent young suitors around her. But Song Qingshu never regarded them as his opponents, until that man appeared.

His family has a huge background, and he is also handsome and extraordinary. What’s more important is that the two of them grew up together. They got together more than ten years later, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that the other had grown into such an outstanding character.

The goddess hesitated between the two. In order to bring the beauty back, Song Qingshu meticulously designed a lot of small tricks and coincidences. He constantly won the goddess’s favour, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Song Qingshu.

During the whole process, the man just looked at everything indifferently, until finally at a suitable time, he pretended to accidentally reveal everything Song Qingshu had done before.

When the goddess realized that the previous meetings were all scams, and she turned away without hesitation. Song Qingshu would never forget the disgusted look in her eyes when she left, and her word before leaving, “No matter how much you do, compared to him you are nothing. “Compared to him you are nothing” These words echoed in his ears for a long time.

The man maintained his gentlemanly demeanor and treated Song Qingshu with courtesy until after he married the goddess.

On the second day of marriage, Song Qingshu’s company ushered in tragic revenge. At that moment, Song Qingshu learned about the power of a really big family, how terrifying a monster was hidden under the water.

Looking up, he thought of the words the goddess spoke at the beginning, and he felt pain again, “You are all born nobles, of course, you don’t need to do anything. If I am not a successful person, I’m afraid I don’t have the qualifications to even talk to you. Haha… I have grown from a small person at the bottom of the society to a man with a net worth of billions. Can I get the things I want without the means of blood and tears? I am used to calculations and methods, but in the end, you think that there is a problem with my character.”

At that moment, Song Qingshu didn’t know why he thought of Duan Yu and Murong Fu. Song Qingshu has always disliked Duan Yu. He doesn’t have to do anything all day. He only needs to travel around the mountains to play with his sister. He didn’t need to practice internal skills, but just suck in others’ hard work for a lifetime. Internal force; he doesn’t want to learn martial arts, but all kinds of peerless cheats are automatically delivered to his front door; It’s like everything was destined to be his!

On the other hand, Murong Fu was forced to work hard, bearing the hatred of the country and the family. He practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child. He lived for the great cause of restoring the country. He didn’t have the time to take care of his own personal affairs. In the end, his end was so miserable.

Song Qingshu felt that he was very much like that Murong Fu, and that man was like Duan Yu. They could do nothing but wait for their opponent to make a mistake, because they were born with everything. But similar to Murong Fu, he couldn’t do anything, because everything needed to be won by himself…

Suddenly feeling something was wrong, Song Qingshu turned his head and collided head-on with a large truck, and he was directly sent flying. He felt his bones cracking and breaking under the impact. Before he landed, he seemed to hear the driver say “End him!”

Then Song Qingshu’s consciousness plunged into endless darkness.

Afterward, the traffic police identified the incident as an accident. Song Qingshu was under heavy debt and couldn’t think clearly for a while. He was drunk and ran into the big truck. The driver’s only fault was driving too fast. He was released, after 15 days of detention. Of course, it was impossible for Song Qingshu to know all this.

Pain! Unbearable pain!

Song Qingshu gradually regained consciousness, he felt as if all the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and he couldn’t even lift a finger. As he thought about the oncoming truck just before losing consciousness, Song Qingshu felt a bone-chilling cold, ‘Could it be that I lived, but now I can only live as paralyzed for the rest of my life?’

However, he quickly calmed down his feelings of agitation and fear. One must know that this billion dollar debt was nothing foreign to him. He was able to make billions in the past, and he will still be able to make money back in the future. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they can decide for themselves whether they have been defeated or not.

‘Is this in the hospital?’ Song Qing opened his eyes and began to slowly look at the surrounding environment. There was no wind around the green yarn, a white candle was flickering on the table in the middle of the room, a graceful woman was sitting there with her back facing him, staring at the darkness in a daze.

The woman’s face couldn’t be seen clearly, but the dim candlelight on her plain black dress was a little scary. Song Qing wondered what the hell was going on in this hospital, no one was speaking to him, and they even arranged the ward like a mourning hall. The nurse was sitting there like a ghost. Any timid person would have been scared sh*tless!

The woman in the black dress seemed to be thinking about something in her heart and did not notice that the man on the bed had woken up. At this time, a nun knocked on the door and walked in to report: “Master, the Ming Cult representative is seeking an audience.”

The woman in black clothes trembled visibly, but she quickly calmed down: “There is a decorum between men and women. It is inconvenient to see each other at night, let him go back.” The indifference of her tone can hardly conceal the elegance of the woman in black dress’s rigid voice. It’s really pleasant to hear.

At this time, a calm and clear male voice was heard: “I am quite familiar with medical skills, and I am willing to heal young hero Song Qingshu. I have no other intentions.”

Song Qingshu, who has always been very familiar with the plots of Jin Yong’s novels, only felt a chill running down from head to toe. He almost thought that this was the set of a film, then this Ming Cult’s representative appeared. If you connect that with this situation, could it be that he is that person from “The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber”?

That idiotic Song Qingshu?

How scary was this!

His chaotic mind finally cleared after waking up from the previous comatose state. Song Qingshu slowly recalled the details of the car accident, his expression turned ugly realizing that he was dead. but he didn’t know why he was lying here, listening to this bullsh*t. From their conversation, it really seems that this is the world of “The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber”.

Read Flower Stealing Master Chapter 1 (2)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!


This is Goblinslate and I will be translating the novel Flower Stealing Master. This is a novel by the same author as Keyboard Immortal and it’s also the first novel written by him. This is a very good novel and will be a satisfying read especially for those who like Harem, Intelligent Protagonists, Kingdom Building, and all the Ecchi stuff that comes along with it.

This is my first time translating a web novel. So please feel free to point out any mistakes. For now I will be translating in my own pace, but it may change depending on the situation.

That’s all from me! Enjoy~


Song Qing was full of hatred. He was an orphan since he was a child. He worked very hard to survive in the society, and built a big family business at a young age. He entered the upper-class society and there he met that woman.

She was beautiful and elegant, and there were many excellent young suitors around her. But Song Qingshu never regarded them as his opponents, until that man appeared.

His family has a huge background, and he is also handsome and extraordinary. What’s more important is that the two of them grew up together. They got together more than ten years later, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that the other had grown into such an outstanding character.

The goddess hesitated between the two. In order to bring the beauty back, Song Qingshu meticulously designed a lot of small tricks and coincidences. He constantly won the goddess’s favour, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Song Qingshu.

During the whole process, the man just looked at everything indifferently, until finally at a suitable time, he pretended to accidentally reveal everything Song Qingshu had done before.

When the goddess realized that the previous meetings were all scams, and she turned away without hesitation. Song Qingshu would never forget the disgusted look in her eyes when she left, and her word before leaving, “No matter how much you do, compared to him you are nothing. “Compared to him you are nothing” These words echoed in his ears for a long time.

The man maintained his gentlemanly demeanor and treated Song Qingshu with courtesy until after he married the goddess.

On the second day of marriage, Song Qingshu’s company ushered in tragic revenge. At that moment, Song Qingshu learned about the power of a really big family, how terrifying a monster was hidden under the water.

Looking up, he thought of the words the goddess spoke at the beginning, and he felt pain again, “You are all born nobles, of course, you don’t need to do anything. If I am not a successful person, I’m afraid I don’t have the qualifications to even talk to you. Haha… I have grown from a small person at the bottom of the society to a man with a net worth of billions. Can I get the things I want without the means of blood and tears? I am used to calculations and methods, but in the end, you think that there is a problem with my character.”

At that moment, Song Qingshu didn’t know why he thought of Duan Yu and Murong Fu. Song Qingshu has always disliked Duan Yu. He doesn’t have to do anything all day. He only needs to travel around the mountains to play with his sister. He didn’t need to practice internal skills, but just suck in others’ hard work for a lifetime. Internal force; he doesn’t want to learn martial arts, but all kinds of peerless cheats are automatically delivered to his front door; It’s like everything was destined to be his!

On the other hand, Murong Fu was forced to work hard, bearing the hatred of the country and the family. He practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child. He lived for the great cause of restoring the country. He didn’t have the time to take care of his own personal affairs. In the end, his end was so miserable.

Song Qingshu felt that he was very much like that Murong Fu, and that man was like Duan Yu. They could do nothing but wait for their opponent to make a mistake, because they were born with everything. But similar to Murong Fu, he couldn’t do anything, because everything needed to be won by himself…

Suddenly feeling something was wrong, Song Qingshu turned his head and collided head-on with a large truck, and he was directly sent flying. He felt his bones cracking and breaking under the impact. Before he landed, he seemed to hear the driver say “End him!”

Then Song Qingshu’s consciousness plunged into endless darkness.

Afterward, the traffic police identified the incident as an accident. Song Qingshu was under heavy debt and couldn’t think clearly for a while. He was drunk and ran into the big truck. The driver’s only fault was driving too fast. He was released, after 15 days of detention. Of course, it was impossible for Song Qingshu to know all this.

Pain! Unbearable pain!

Song Qingshu gradually regained consciousness, he felt as if all the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and he couldn’t even lift a finger. As he thought about the oncoming truck just before losing consciousness, Song Qingshu felt a bone-chilling cold, ‘Could it be that I lived, but now I can only live as paralyzed for the rest of my life?’

However, he quickly calmed down his feelings of agitation and fear. One must know that this billion dollar debt was nothing foreign to him. He was able to make billions in the past, and he will still be able to make money back in the future. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they can decide for themselves whether they have been defeated or not.

‘Is this in the hospital?’ Song Qing opened his eyes and began to slowly look at the surrounding environment. There was no wind around the green yarn, a white candle was flickering on the table in the middle of the room, a graceful woman was sitting there with her back facing him, staring at the darkness in a daze.

The woman’s face couldn’t be seen clearly, but the dim candlelight on her plain black dress was a little scary. Song Qing wondered what the hell was going on in this hospital, no one was speaking to him, and they even arranged the ward like a mourning hall. The nurse was sitting there like a ghost. Any timid person would have been scared sh*tless!

The woman in the black dress seemed to be thinking about something in her heart and did not notice that the man on the bed had woken up. At this time, a nun knocked on the door and walked in to report: “Master, the Ming Cult representative is seeking an audience.”

The woman in black clothes trembled visibly, but she quickly calmed down: “There is a decorum between men and women. It is inconvenient to see each other at night, let him go back.” The indifference of her tone can hardly conceal the elegance of the woman in black dress’s rigid voice. It’s really pleasant to hear.

At this time, a calm and clear male voice was heard: “I am quite familiar with medical skills, and I am willing to heal young hero Song Qingshu. I have no other intentions.”

Song Qingshu, who has always been very familiar with the plots of Jin Yong’s novels, only felt a chill running down from head to toe. He almost thought that this was the set of a film, then this Ming Cult’s representative appeared. If you connect that with this situation, could it be that he is that person from “The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber”?

That idiotic Song Qingshu?

How scary was this!

His chaotic mind finally cleared after waking up from the previous comatose state. Song Qingshu slowly recalled the details of the car accident, his expression turned ugly realizing that he was dead. but he didn’t know why he was lying here, listening to this bullsh*t. From their conversation, it really seems that this is the world of “The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber”.

Chapter 01: The past and present of SongQingshuHello!This is Goblinslate and I will be translating the novel Flower Stealing Master. This is a novel by the same author as Keyboard Immortal and it's also the first novel written by him. This is a very good novel and will be a satisfying read especially for those who like Harem, Intelligent Protagonists, Kingdom Building, and all the Ecchi stuff that comes along with it.This is my first time translating a web novel. So please feel free to point out any mistakes. For now I will be translating in my own pace, but it may change depending on the situation.That's all from me! Enjoy~-Song Qing was full of hatred. He was an orphan since he was a child. He worked very hard to survive in the society, and built a big family business at a young age. He entered the upper-class society and there he met that woman.She was beautiful and elegant, and there were many excellent young suitors around her. But Song Qingshu never regarded them as his opponents, until that man appeared.His family has a huge background, and he is also handsome and extraordinary. What's more important is that the two of them grew up together. They got together more than ten years later, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that the other had grown into such an outstanding character.The goddess hesitated between the two. In order to bring the beauty back, Song Qingshu meticulously designed a lot of small tricks and coincidences. He constantly won the goddess's favour, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Song Qingshu.During the whole process, the man just looked at everything indifferently, until finally at a suitable time, he pretended to accidentally reveal everything Song Qingshu had done before.When the goddess realized that the previous meetings were all scams, and she turned away without hesitation. Song Qingshu would never forget the disgusted look in her eyes when she left, and her word before leaving, No matter how much you do, compared to him you are nothing. Compared to him you are nothing These words echoed in his ears for a long time.The man maintained his gentlemanly demeanor and treated Song Qingshu with courtesy until after he married the goddess.On the second day of marriage, Song Qingshu's company ushered in tragic revenge. At that moment, Song Qingshu learned about the power of a really big family, how terrifying a monster was hidden under the water.Looking up, he thought of the words the goddess spoke at the beginning, and he felt pain again, You are all born nobles, of course, you don't need to do anything. If I am not a successful person, I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications to even talk to you. Haha I have grown from a small person at the bottom of the society to a man with a net worth of billions. Can I get the things I want without the means of blood and tears? I am used to calculations and methods, but in the end, you think that there is a problem with my character.At that moment, Song Qingshu didn't know why he thought of Duan Yu and Murong Fu. Song Qingshu has always disliked Duan Yu. He doesn't have to do anything all day. He only needs to travel around the mountains to play with his sister. He didn't need to practice internal skills, but just suck in others' hard work for a lifetime. Internal force; he doesn't want to learn martial arts, but all kinds of peerless cheats are automatically delivered to his front door; It's like everything was destined to be his!On the other hand, Murong Fu was forced to work hard, bearing the hatred of the country and the family. He practiced martial arts diligently since he was a child. He lived for the great cause of restoring the country. He didn't have the time to take care of his own personal affairs. In the end, his end was so miserable.Song Qingshu felt that he was very much like that Murong Fu, and that man was like Duan Yu. They could do nothing but wait for their opponent to make a mistake, because they were born with everything. But similar to Murong Fu, he couldn't do anything, because everything needed to be won by himselfSuddenly feeling something was wrong, Song Qingshu turned his head and collided head-on with a large truck, and he was directly sent flying. He felt his bones cracking and breaking under the impact. Before he landed, he seemed to hear the driver say End him!Then Song Qingshu's consciousness plunged into endless darkness.Afterward, the traffic police identified the incident as an accident. Song Qingshu was under heavy debt and couldn't think clearly for a while. He was drunk and ran into the big truck. The driver's only fault was driving too fast. He was released, after 15 days of detention. Of course, it was impossible for Song Qingshu to know all this.Pain! Unbearable pain!Song Qingshu gradually regained consciousness, he felt as if all the bones in his body seemed to be broken, and he couldn't even lift a finger. As he thought about the oncoming truck just before losing consciousness, Song Qingshu felt a bone-chilling cold, Could it be that I lived, but now I can only live as paralyzed for the rest of my life?'However, he quickly calmed down his feelings of agitation and fear. One must know that this billion dollar debt was nothing foreign to him. He was able to make billions in the past, and he will still be able to make money back in the future. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that they can decide for themselves whether they have been defeated or not.Is this in the hospital?' Song Qing opened his eyes and began to slowly look at the surrounding environment. There was no wind around the green yarn, a white candle was flickering on the table in the middle of the room, a graceful woman was sitting there with her back facing him, staring at the darkness in a daze.The woman's face couldn't be seen clearly, but the dim candlelight on her plain black dress was a little scary. Song Qing wondered what the hell was going on in this hospital, no one was speaking to him, and they even arranged the ward like a mourning hall. The nurse was sitting there like a ghost. Any timid person would have been scared sh*tless!The woman in the black dress seemed to be thinking about something in her heart and did not notice that the man on the bed had woken up. At this time, a nun knocked on the door and walked in to report: Master, the Ming Cult representative is seeking an audience.The woman in black clothes trembled visibly, but she quickly calmed down: There is a decorum between men and women. It is inconvenient to see each other at night, let him go back. The indifference of her tone can hardly conceal the elegance of the woman in black dress's rigid voice. It's really pleasant to hear.At this time, a calm and clear male voice was heard: I am quite familiar with medical skills, and I am willing to heal young hero Song Qingshu. I have no other intentions.Song Qingshu, who has always been very familiar with the plots of Jin Yong's novels, only felt a chill running down from head to toe. He almost thought that this was the set of a film, then this Ming Cult's representative appeared. If you connect that with this situation, could it be that he is that person from The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber?That idiotic Song Qingshu?How scary was this!His chaotic mind finally cleared after waking up from the previous comatose state. Song Qingshu slowly recalled the details of the car accident, his expression turned ugly realizing that he was dead. but he didn't know why he was lying here, listening to this bullsh*t. From their conversation, it really seems that this is the world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

Read Flower Stealing Master Chapter 1 (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.