Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

PAGE THREE: THE ON DAILY, JULY 7, 1916 DRAPERIES Drapery Notes Do you realize that attractively draped windows add to the beauty of your home? You would not think of putting on your very best party frock- dressing your hair in the latest style -fastening on that new necklace- THEN after a most careful and painstaking toilet, put on the worst old pair, of shoes you had in the house- -now would you You have the same proposition when you deal with your windows. -No matter how good your furnishings are, your drapes can kill the entire effect if not correct. An Irish Point Lace: Curtain never was intended for a Jacobian interior. Through the medium of our drapery department and its head Mr. Brown, a practical and experienced draperit will be our pleasure at any time to assist you in treating your windows.

KELLEYS The Largest Home Furnishing House in the State. Rev. Harvey Ratlin Conducted services at this place Sunday morning. Rev. Joseph Dayis of Fairmount also gave a talk.

family Mr. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Hubert, Thomas and Small and daughter took Sunday dinper with Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Stuart family. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and son, Charles Edgar, and Miss 'Ona Collins and Glen Weaver were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Eakins and family, near Pt. Isabel. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter.

and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carter and daughter and Joseph Carter were Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter at Marion.

and Mrs. William Hobbs and beth Cammack were guests day of Mr. and Mrs. Lesar Pt. Isabel.

A. class of Bethel l1 hold its next meetof Alvin Ferree the Pening in July. )den called on her sis- TO CONTRACTORS. BETHEL Notice is hereby given that sealed be received up to 9:30 a. m.

July: 21st, 1916, for the oiling of First from the west line of Nebraska street to the east line of street and Grant street from the cast line of Branson street to the west of Ohio street. A work to be done in accordance to plans and specifications now on file in the office, of the city clerk. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check in the sum of $200,00 to insure execution of contract. The board reserves the right to reject any and all hids. FRANK R.

HECK, Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby "given that the board of public works will receive: sealed proposals up to 9:30 a. m. July 01 st: 1916, for the improvement of the alley between First and Nelson streets fro mthe west line of street to the east.

line af. street, by grading and" paving same to the width of feet with vitrified brick. All work to be done in accordance to plans and specifications now. on file in the office of the city clerk. E.ack hid must be accompanied with certified cheek in the sum of $500.00 to insure execution of contract.

FRANK R. HECK, 7-7-14 Clerk. ter. Mrs. Everett.

Lono, Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and son ralled on Mr. and Mrs.

L. Reynolds Tuesday Kenneth and Ralph Coin of evening. Frankfort spent Monday with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Cammack. Mr.

and Burt Malott and family enterta nday sand afternoon sons, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Charles ai. Erman, 'and Mr. and Mrs.

Everett Howell and daughter, Marian. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Eakins and family of near Pt. Isabel entertained guests, at dinner Sunday the following Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Ratliff, Allen Oden, Mr. Mrs. Fred Oden and son, Alfred Donald; Mr. and Mrs.

Everett Long, Misses Minnie. Oden and Helen Malott and Leo Eaking. Mr. and. Mrs.

Charles Cox and daughters, Bonnietta and Charlotte, with the latter's. parents, Mr. and spent Saturday night and Sunday Mrs. John Muchmore, at Marion. Mr.

and Mrs. John Clark and son, Charles, and Oma. Collins spent. Wed- Mrs. nesday.

evening Mr. and Harry Jones at Swayzee. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Long spent Saturday night with Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Oden and son. The peace meeting which was largely held at Bethel Sunday evening was attended. Howard Carey of Fairmount and Bennett Shugart gave: some Nina interesting readings, and Powell gave a reading which she won honors on at both township and counMr. and Mrs.

Vestal Reynolds and, ty commencements. son, Clive, and Miss Hattie Knox were forSunday evening guests of the mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Revnolds. Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Long has as their Tuesday evening guests Mr. Mrs. Clarkh Howell of- Radley, Misses Minnie Oden. Ona Collins and Vinson, Messrs.

Paul Collins. Paul Glen aver, Ralph Edgerton and Oden Mrs. Ray Carter had as her guests Mondav her Misses Deleane and Delight And Mrs. Kelley W. Clark and Mr.

and Mrs. John Clark and sone Charles, Glen Weaver were guests afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. "Joseph Smalley. near Rigdon.

a Mrs. John Schaumleffel, who two has been in the hospital for over weeks and who has had an operation probably will be removed to her home. the first of the week. Mrs. 0.

L. Watkins and daughter Adonis will go to Everett Indianapolis C. Wat- next! week for a visit with kins. A As a KRE MO Delicious Breakfast Food RICE Sterilized Rice is unexcelled. It is excellent for Pancakes, Waffles, Muffins, Gems and the "like, but words fail to de scribe the delightfully rich, creamy taste of ill' Kre-Mo' Sterilized Rice Custard.

cup of boiled Kre-Mo Sterilized Rice, two eggs, two cups of milk, half cup of sugar, teaspoon of- butter; vanilla wor nutmeg to taste. eggs and butter and sugar togeth4 er. Add to the beaten eggs sugar and butter; then add hot milk and stir thoroughly. with nutmeg or add vanilla, and bake in a pan of. water until brown." 15c- At Your Grocer's--15c "The Kre-Mo Girl's on the Package" FAST- TOLEDO NINE TO PLAY HERE, SUNDAY Toledo Rail-Lights to Meet Boosters Red: Planning Many Surprises For Fans.

Red Baugher carried thru: a plot which he has been" working up for some time today when he announced that the Toledo Rail-Lights would play "his victorious Marion Boosters when they return to the Fairgrounds park Sunday The RailLights are the fastest independent team in Ohio and book games only with semi-pro teams that have shown unusual speed or with major league teams for exhibition games. The Booster. victory over the Logansport Ottos last Tuesday in a nineteen-inning helped bring the RailLights here 'expecting a real battle. The Toledo team has played sevl'enteen games and won fourteen of this season. The three 7 games that have lost were to major league teams from Brooklyn, Pittsburg and Chicago.

They use the American Association park at Toledo when the mud hens are on the road. Red has policy of gradually strengthening, his line-up by signing up Crouse, the star fielder of Alexandria. But this is not the best news that the sorreltop magnate has been keeping up his sleeve. Several more stray, but interesting items repose in Red's busy brain, but he wouldn't let them out today, He said that he was going to keep on trying his level best to give Marion the best ball team it has ever had and then reached for the long distance telephone. to keep his promise, MRS.

STRAIGHT From Page One.) they are worn out: they must," be placed with the standard ones. The order of the postmaster general which provides for this change is dated Nov. 10, 1915. It provides that no "signaling apparatus, other than that provided by the specifications of the postmaster general, can be installed on the new boxes. The standard sizes for the boxes follow: No.

1-Length, width, heighth, in. No. 2-Length, width, 11 meighth, 14.1 in. STANDARD MAIL (Continued From, Page One.) month Mrs. Straight will also receive $100 for burial expenses.

he above agreement was presented and approved by the board of works and the mayor at the regular meeting this morning. The agreem based on the workingmen's compensation act, which allows 55 per cent of the. weekly wages for a period of 300 weeks, be accepted as final as soon as the state. industrial board approves of it. CARTWRIGHT WINS DAMAGE SUIT Thomas Cartwright, was granted $150 damages which return'ed a verdict in superior court late Thursday evening in his case against the Marion Garage and Auto company.

Cartwright sustained, injuries last Easter when an automobile belonging to the defendant struck him on a. road west of the city, WHISTLER RITES HELD. The funeral of William Whisler, who died at. the home of his Fast sister, MarMrs. John Murphy, at 512 shall street, was held from the residence at 2:30 o'clock afternoon.

with Rev. Ketner in charge, Burial was made in the I. 0. 0. F.

cemetery. 'MARRIAGE LICENSES. City, and a Eva Marie Frazier, 32, Henry Behne, 34, jeweler, Oklahoma teacher, daughter of W. K. Frazier, Van FAIRMOUNT If you have items.

fore the Chronicle, please telephone 287. Fairmount, before 8 a. m. or after 4 p. m.

Eiler of the Falrmount Agricultural association morning that there would be an aeroplane exhibition here on the four days of the fair which will be held during the week of July 25-28, 'and that the machine would make two flights during the afternoon. Negotiations are now going on with a birdman 'and contract will be closed with the fellow if it is found to be. a reliable concern. At a meeting of the directors held last evening the officials gave the sec; retary full sway in the matter' and Mr. Eiler believes that an aeroplane will be one of the best free attractions that could be secured for the occasion.

The fine weather. of the past few days has given the beet growers a charice to get the weeds out of the fields, the plants thinned and reset and the beet. fields are now looking fine with the outlook good for a splendid crop this fall. No crop that was planted was retarded by the spring rains as the beet crop, but this, is now brought up with the other crops and it will be no trouble to keep the plants in good shape until mautirity9 providing another. rainy season does not set in.

Miss Nellie Jenkins of Indianapolis is the guest of Mrs. Leo Moon for a few days, having accompanied Mrs. Moon home on the latter's return from Fort Benjamin Harrison, where. she had been visiting: her husband for, Barnard Allred. who torn to It caters to your natural musical impulses.

A Player: Piano--Makes your home a musical center. It provides the attraction that keeps the home tie uppermost in the young 'and impressionable minds at a time when the great, outdoors is calling with its many activties, pleasures and associations. Where the Player is, there is a happy home- a home where all are young- because each can individually express. the music that is in the heart. At Butler's you will find a Player to suit your own personal wants.

Our stock at this time is most complete with many different makes, each having its: exclusive features. Especially reduced summer time prices will go in effect Saturday. It will pay you to at least look them over Musical Canter Summer time prices on used instruments effective Saturday, July 8. PIANOS Ludwig: Grand. $585 Wurlitzer Kraukaurt $163 Merriman Kimball $148.

M. H. P. Nelson. $124 Carleton Brown: $78 Perry C.

B. Piolian. Emerson $175, Emerson $189 Kingsbury, $238 King $195 Heinze $185 PLAYERS $245 $450 $385 $435 $340 Butter" have been at Chicago for the past two who Miss was here to spend the Fourth and Frances Elwood, weeks, home. visit with Mrs. Clara Creek, has gone Marshal A.

FM. Seright has home. ordered by, the city council to enforce: The baby daughter threatened of Mr. with and pneu- Mrs. the traffic, ordinance in Fairmount, Gar Knight is 1 MARION NORMAL INSTITUTE NOTES and in the future it will not be permis- side Mrs.

T. C. Matthews, and children, monia. of sible to street, park back cars on out the into the wrong who have been the guests of the for- (CONTRIBUTED.) the or turn around in the middle of mer's parents; Mr. and Mrs.

Miles Are you coming to the lawn fete the street as has been the custom of Rush, left fer their Out at dear old fare home in some auto drivers in the past. All The Bardstown, Mae Underwood, Hazel It will last from 5 to 11 Ky. automobiles, must" park on the direction right! in Payne and Clista Smith will spend the On the 7th day of July side which of they the street rengoing, in the and in turn- week-end with Mrs. C. PAFry at Pen- Come and see our Keystone Charley," ing must drive to' the end of the A dleton.

pleasing social reunion wAs that Mutt Golduh and Jeff and old Abe Martin and dear Roger Bean, square -to make the turn, making held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Will be with us toube seen. long turn to the left in rounding cor- N.

Winslow, when Mrs. Ben Frazier We will have two clowns from Richners, or a short turn regular to the city right, traffic as of Weston, W. V.a., entertained in required by the or- honor of Mrs. A. W.

Clover of Den- 1 And the Katzenjammer Kids, order. Failure to comply with the ver, Mrs. Charles Hutchins of A quartet from old Jalapa a der will result. in prosecution. Marion, Mrs.

Will Trader of Wabash For the first place always bids. Mra. J. G. Yerkey to Mc- and Mrs.

Earl Harger of Brazil. It Don't forget our Maids of Fortune, Keesport, on account of the seri-: A was the first time the ladies had met They will tell you of your future; ous The Fairmount News office is in-. all for former several years, Fairmount girls who went Past br bo'll be his wife! illness of her father. and as they were and present, e'en the stalling. a No 15 linotype -machine, to school together and were was, chums the of Is General on exhibition Villa has here! been.

captured! $0 as to meet the twentieth century a bygone enjoyable days, the they had gathering indulged in That's enough to make most people printing most long time. In old U. S. A. cheer.

Mrs. Orlando O. Jay and daughter for a Mrs. 0. D.

Cartwright and Miss Many cities, many countries Normanda, who have been the guests Catherine Life, who have been at Mun- Represented here will be, of relatives at Anderson for the two weeks, the guests of for other things you care not several Weeks; have returned home. icie the past back home, 3 It will pay you these to see. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Jay and baby.

friends, are Iceland the Sandwich Islands who eral days have the been guest at of South Mr. Bend Jay's for sister, ReV- I Feel mean, cross, ugly, Bore" you at But Wurnich if you seats are of every wishing sort, cold drinks have returned to Fairmount. Valparaiso 13 is know what and is everyone else. stomach Rocky OrA The Gar word Sweetser and is Logangnort. sumcient Do Mrs.

Roy Wells wot is out of whack. To explain its products, '50 I here the guest of Newton Mr. Wells. Wells' parents, Mountain Tea will put be it fright. back.

Don't suppose you all are anxious Mr. and Mrs. tonight, tomorrow Tablets Davis Out to Sweetser for to Miss: Lucinda Downs of Indianano- Wil- drug store 35c. Tea or If geography you' vey studied is the Mr. and MY.

You can rues "Brazilian play "You may PLAY this wonderful PlayerPiano Each delicate, true tone is your own----you may mould it, shade it, as you will. J-: These things and a lot of others We will have out here for sale. Mrs. W. W.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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