739 reviews62 followers
Miu is tired of being treated like a child and wants to look more mature. She gets teased by her classmates and her crush Amamiya doesn't seem to take any notice of her. Desperate to change her life around, Miu buys a book with magic spells which have a bigger effect than she anticipated, for the book summons Satan himself. Satan offers Miu a bargain: he will make Amamiya fall in love with her in exchange for her virginity. Wow, ok, this was a whole new level of bad. Granted, this is not the worst manga I have ever read, but that's not much of a compliment. I have only read a handful of Shinjo's titles and certainly not her most popular ones (too long for my liking), but I always got the impression that her stories are very repetitive at their core, especially in regards to the more problematic things. In any case, I've always felt like if you've read one of her works, you've read enough to know what vibes her other manga have in store for you. As for Akuma na Eros, I have to say it has not aged well. And by that, I don't mean the fact that it's over two decades old, but rather that this was one of the first manga I've read and even though I remember not liking it greatly, I didn't realise just how bad it was. The story is littered with clichés, and I would like to think that I am a very lenient reader in that regard. If a cliché or trope is well-written, you won't see me complaining, but this manga consisted of the most common romance manga tropes thrown together in a bad mix that makes it look comical. Miu is the underdog at school with pretty much no backbone. She gets picked on by other students and has this major crush on her perfect classmate Amamiya (his name alone should already signal that he's that archetype character). He of course has his fan club of fanatic girls who pester Miu even more because he is paying extra attention to her. We then need the bad boy who is an absolute jerk toward the girl but secretly falls for her: the stage is set for our poorly-written love triangle. Let's not forget the bad boy's ex-girlfriend showing up who starts manipulating everything and everyone. This is a formula most will have come across in more than just one manga, and I honestly have no issue with it as long as it's well done. Akuma na Eros couldn't have done a worse job with its execution, though. Spoilers ahead. Miu is unremarkable in every way. I don't mind quiet or ordinary girls, in fact, I often prefer those as characters. But Miu simply has no personality beyond pining over Amamiya. And there's already the first issue: why does she like him? I haven't the faintest idea. He is kind and good looking - that's about. Either Miu is extremely superficial or there's some backstory missing (hint, I'm pretty sure it's not the latter). But even worse, why does Amamiya like her back? There are only very few interactions between the two during which he is mostly busy preaching and I simply cannot comprehend where his affections are coming from. Satan is handled better, if only slightly. In fact, he is just about the only element of this series that I found somewhat likeable. By that, I don't mean that he's a likeable guy but rather that he is at least true to his character. He is cruel and abuses Miu throughout the entire series. Similar to what I have said about clichés, I am reasonably lenient in regards to what I consider assault in a work of fiction. But there's no way around it, the way he treats Miu is degrading and humiliating. Even if we as a reader can see her thoughts that signal that she does want to be with him, everything about what she says and does shows otherwise. And you know what, I think that's pretty ok. Not because I think the treatment she gets is ok - it's not - but this is Satan, he's not the lord of hell for nothing, right? In that particular regard, I find him very much in character. But in return, I have to ask yet again: why does Miu like him? She gets abused again and again and somehow figures it must be true love. I don't often call main characters stupid but Miu definitely gets the cake for that one. As much as I questioned Amamiya's reasons for liking Miu, can someone please tell me why Satan fell for her as well? I can get around the idea of this ancient being falling in love with a mortal, but can she please have some kind of a compelling personality that would explain it? She spends the entire plot wining and why either of these male characters would like her is beyond me. But wait, it doesn't end there: Amamiya doesn't only like Miu, he also has a secret - he is the archangel Michael - surprise! So now we have two ancient beings who are deeply in love with one of the most idiotic characters I've ever read about. And more questions are raised: why is Michael doing an undercover in a Japanese high school? Oh right, convenient and lazy writing. The pacing is horrible, which may be part of the reason why the romance feels so unconvincing (mind you, no good pacing could have saved the mess that is Satan x Miu x Michael). The story jumps around, characters make strange and impulsive decisions and, before we know it, vows of eternal love are made and we're in the underworld and fighting to the death, it's really just a big mess. The good thing about manga is that even a weak plot can be reasonably readable if the art is pretty. Sadly, even that is not the case here. I do know that Shinjo's art has improved over the years but this is not a strong work of hers. Satan is the only well-drawn character. Amamiya just looks weird and Miu's face is out of proportion more often than it is not. Shinjo has the tendency to draw profiles in a very strange and angular way which I find unappealing and it didn't even make sense in the case of Miu who from all other angles is strangely round. The poses of characters are also often stiff or weirdly out of proportion. The covers are some of the few drawings that actually look nice. Akuma na Eros is comically bad and while I always disliked certain aspects of it (the ridiculousness that is Michael), this reread surprised me with just how bad it was. I think Satan, who was mostly portrayed appropriately, really put the cherry on top by concluding this manga by shouting 'You don't know the power of true love' like he's suddenly signed up to become a magical girl. Needless to say, I do not recommend this manga.
Review for complete series
- read-but-dont-own
451 reviews
If Mayu's Sensual Phrase series is infantile smut for high school girls, then Virgin Crisis (also called Akuma na Eros) is infantile smut for middle school girls. The plot is so hideously ridiculous I'm embarrassed to relate it. But basically, a girl who's just entered high school (as I recall) who is insecure about her appearance and has a huge crush on an upperclassman, enters into a deal with the devil to attract her crush's attention, only to gradually fall for the devil instead. In a way, it's kind of fascinating, since I feel that it's one of those series that sort of emphasizes how hazy and arbitrary the Japanese concept of "the devil" really is. You very often see Christian or even just general Western ideas used in kind of odd ways in manga. Here, the devil is just another one of Mayu's good-looking, dominant, slightly lonely heart-throbs. Usually I say something like, If a friend owned this and I could easily borrow it, I'd finish it, but it's not worth buying. However, I had my hands on the last volume and it was just so dumb I had to skim it. Still, if it isn't a must-read, then it's certainly a must-try for Mayu fans.
- manga manga-shoujo
Curious Madra
2,897 reviews122 followers
Speak one more time and I'll rape you here Honestly I really wanted to try to like this old skool shoujo manga but after reading 8 chapters and hearing that line above from the rapey devil himself who's known as "Kai", I dropped this mangas ass. I mean literally, he's pretty much a dirtbag for pressuring the FL to "lose her virginity". Why oh why am I constantly falling down this rabbit hole lads?????????????!!!!!!!!!
Laia Pérez (laiaisreading)
708 reviews363 followers
- 2022 manga manga-shojo
1,219 reviews88 followers
If I had to sum up the series in one word, it'd be meh. This is neither the best nor the worst of Shinjo's work. Now I know what you're thinking. You're wondering if having Satan as a sympathetic character and love interest interfered with my opinion and I'd be lying if I said that it didn't. I imagine that many Western readers will have this issue, but I also imagine that the vast majority of us have gone into this manga expecting for this to be a handicap to our reading. In any case, this actually wasn't my biggest issue with this series. No, my biggest issue was that this was just a little too similar to the storyline in Sensual Phrase. "Similar", you ask? "It's a manga about supernatural creatures!" It's similar in that you have a sexually aggressive male lead (not saying that in a bad way) that is identical to Sakuya (so you know who she's going to pick, not that this is really a spoiler to anyone) and a female lead that looks identical to Aine. Even their personalities are incredibly similar, making it very hard to distance this from Shinjo's most famous work. Where this series really flubbed is that the characters just aren't all that particularly deep. Miu exists only to be an object of lust/love for Satan/Kai and vice-versa. The more interesting characters are all background players, which is unfortunate in that we see very little of them. Miu's biggest rival had the potential to have a great storyline about her half demon/angel nature, but it's just sort of stated and then used as a half-hearted plot device to move things along and grease the wheels for more sex scenes. It's just that without the character building behind it that other series have had, the sex scenes just lack soul. You can occasionally see glimmers of great things here and there, but they just aren't followed through with. The one part of the manga that I can't really find fault in is with the artwork. I do admit that it would've been nice to see characters that aren't drawn identical to Sensual Phrase characters, but that doesn't mean that they aren't drawn well. Shinjo's artwork is really what made everything readable. The potential is here to have an incredible story of love, damnation, and (maybe) redemption, but it just wasn't delivered. Since I know that Shinjo can do better, I'm going to chalk this up to her demonic ex-publisher that forced her to churn out Sensual Phrase clones. I can't help but wonder if Shinjo had more planned for this series but was forced to change it in order to make her ex-bosses happy. (Hence the fleeting glimmers of potential.)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- meh
Soobie is expired
6,797 reviews131 followers
Son tornata sul luogo del delitto... Mi ero impuntata che volevo leggere Virgin crisis, nonostante Love celeb non mi fosse piaciuto per niente. Ma non so neanch'io perché! Comunque... Lei evoca il diavolo per riuscire a conquistare il ragazzo dei suoi sogni. Questo è cristiano e quindi i sortilegi del diavolo non funzionano. Inoltre dice bugie alla protagonista. Il diavolo modifica la memoria di tutti e poi cerca di mettere la protagonista in situazioni difficili per fare in modo che lei abbia bisogno di lui e gli doni la sua verginità. Perché il pagamento per far innamorare il ragazzo casa e chiesa era appunto la verginità della protagonista. A parte la storia della verginità, il primo capitolo non mi era dispiaciuto. Ma poi è crollato tutto. SIGH! I disegni di Mayu Shinjō non mi dispiacciono. Son le storie che mi fanno venir i capelli bianchi! Fortuna che l'ho preso di seconda mano.
- ce-star-comics chick-lit first-in-a-series
1,329 reviews18 followers
This is ridiculous. The entire premise is ridiculous. Sometimes ridiculous is fine, but there isn't really anything that makes up for it. Tsubasa is literally the only thing I like about the series and he is the most unimportant part of the whole thing. Honestly the only reason why I finished it and why I continued the series (did not finish it) was because I was reading it online and it was just easy.
- angels demons josei
Veda Vamp
51 reviews1 follower
I was recommended this book and UHHHHH this book went from 0 to 100 real fast. She goes from praying in a church for boobs to Making a deal with Satan in the first 15 pages. The series is short af so I'll finish it but I'd pass on it. It's like magic mike, all sexy and like,,,, 15 minutes of storyline. Except I didn't mind magic mike cause well, it was magic mike, this is satan.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
83 reviews10 followers
Prestado por: Anabel
- 03-comics creadoras
960 reviews21 followers
Another rating: 6/10 (for all series!)
- demons ecchi fantasy
Dony Grayman
6,257 reviews36 followers
Edición argentina en sentido de lectura oriental que probablemente repite ISBN de la edición española espejada.
- ed-arg repetido ubi-lp
439 reviews60 followers
liked the plot, love the drawing of the male character, and the heroine... kind of annoyed me a bit.
This goes 4 the whole series
- adult-manga
313 reviews30 followers
Rating: 4 stars.
- manga virgin-heroines
Yoyomaus Die Büchereule
2,161 reviews30 followers
Zum Inhalt: Ein Pakt mit finstern Mächten Cover: Das Cover gefällt mir sehr gut. Wir sehen hier die beiden Protagonisten Miu, welche gern erwachsener wirken möchte und den Dämon Satan, welcher sich ihrer gern bemächtigen will, da ihre Seele noch so rein ist. Dass Satan dabei auch sehr dämonisch wirkt passt sehr gut und gibt Hinweise zum Inhalt der Geschichte. Cover basteln kann sie also wirklich gut, die Mangaka Mayu Shinjo. Eigener Eindruck: Die Schülerin Miu ist unzufrieden mit ihrem kindlichen Körper und möchte gern erwachsener wirken. Als sie in der Kirche ihrer Schule auf ihren Mitschüler und heimlichen Schwarm Shion trifft, denkt sie kurzzeitig er wäre ein Engel. Doch Engel gibt es gar nicht, oder? Als ihr das Buch der Wünsche in die Hände fällt und sie einen Zauber daraus wirken will, ruft sie aus versehen Satan höchstselbst, der ihr einen Pakt vorschlägt. Er bekommt ihre Jungfräulichkeit im Gegenzug zu der Erfüllung ihres Wunsches. Doch Miu will nicht so recht und so schleicht sich Satan schlussendlich als ihr „Bruder Kai“ an ihre Schule und in ihre Klasse ein. Als Satan einfädelt, dass Shion Miu heim bringt, werden ihre Mitschülerinnen eifersüchtig und für Miu beginnt ein Spießrutenlauf. Und auch Shion scheint ein Geheimnis zu verbergen, das nicht ohne ist… Mit tollen Zeichnungen und einer interessanten Story startet die Mangaka Mayu Shinjo in ein neues Werk in dem es sich hauptsächlich um Engel, Dämonen und den Kampf zwischen gut und Böse dreht. Mittendrin befindet sich das Mädchen Miu, welches sich im Verlauf der Geschichte immer wieder zwischen ihrem Schwarm Shion und dem gar nicht so unattraktiven Satan entscheiden muss. Während Satan versucht sie in brenzlige Situationen zu bringen, wird er aber auch immer wieder zum Retter in der Not und man muss sich fragen, ob er denn nun doch so diabolisch ist, wie er sich darstellt oder ob er Miu gegenüber weich wird. Das verspricht also noch eine interessante Geschichte zu werden und man möchte auch gern wissen, für wen es denn nun ein Happy end geben wird. Das ist durchaus raffiniert gemacht und kann sich sehen lassen und doch hätten Punkte wie Spannung und Emotionen für mich noch mehr ausgebaut werden können, denn so ganz kaufe ich Miu ihre Schwärmereien noch nicht ab. Ich bin also gespannt, was die Mangaka noch aus dem Werk macht. Fazit: Ein interessanter Auftakt. Diese Reihe werde ich definitiv weiterverfolgen und bin gespannt, wie es hier weiter geht. Deshalb gibt es von mir auch eine Leseempfehlung für all jene, die die Geschichten zwischen Dämonen und Engeln lieben. Idee: 5/5 Charaktere: 4/5 Logik: 4/5 Spannung: 3/5 Emotionen: 3/5 Gesamt: 4/5 Daten: Herausgeber : Egmont Manga; 4. Edition (15. September 2004)
Die Zehntklässlerin Miu verliebt sich in einen ihrer Mitschüler. Da der aber leider überhaupt nichts von ihr wissen will, schließt sie einen Pakt mit geheimnisvollen Mächten ... Zunächst geht der Plan auf und sie findet sich in einer zauberhaften Romanze wieder. Dass Pakte allerdings auch eine Gegenleistung erfordern, daran hat sie aber nicht gedacht. Und so findet sie sich in sehr verqueren Umständen wieder.
"Virgin Crisis" ist eine Serie der japanischen Zeichnerin Mayu Shinjo, einer Spezialistin für Shojo-Mangas.
Sprache : Deutsch
Taschenbuch : 192 Seiten
ISBN-10 : 3770461142
ISBN-13 : 978-3770461141
Lesealter : 16 Jahre und älter
Abmessungen : 12.4 x 1.5 x 18 cm
181 reviews7 followers
REVIEW FOR THE WHOLE SERIES! Before that, I'm actually surprise that this manga came out a long time ago. The drawing/art is just the same with other smut mangas that I came to read. I dunno if they are of the same authors but I doubt it. Anyway, the manga is okay. It is about a girl who summoned the devil which is the greatest demon of all, yeah, Satan himself, just because he wanted to have the heart of the guy he loves. Well, naturally, what happened is that she and Satan ended up together and lived in hell. Well, the character, Satan, is sexy but the girl, Miu can be really annoying sometimes. And I found myself going for Satan after all like I'm joing the evil side when I'm not really into evil things. Lol. It's a short manga and I must say that the sexy moments are okay as well. Gonna read more smuts!! Lol
68 reviews1 follower
So this is like a farce right? I know this is suppose to be targeted at a younger audience but Japan come on. . . In a nut shell, I read the first volume of this, and it is seriously just the silliest thing. I am not sure if I am suppose to be laughing this hard, but I am. Not even the art saves it, which is also by the way pretty low budget Manga, as Manga art goes. Now I am only one book in so I have NO IDEA if the smut comes later--but honestly this is really not "smutty", maybe for the very young but I'm not seeing the "smut" it's just off color humor for me now (unless you count the "devil" character enhancing our heroines "attributes" every now and then to teach her a lesson). Maybe I'll finish this, maybe I won't not sure yet.
- manga
2,215 reviews39 followers
An sich ein gute Idee für eine Story. Ein etwas naives Mädchen geht einen Pakt mit dem Teufel ein, um einen Jungen für sich zu gewinnen. Dieser Teufel ist sexy und will nicht ihre Seele sondern ihre Unschuld. Aber einiges geht schief und der Teufel nimmt einen recht hohen Stellenwert in ihrem Leben und gar ihrer Familie ein. Letzteres sorgte nochmal für etwas Abwechslung und macht es etwas interessanter. Trotzdem zog sich für mich die Handlung sehr stark in die Länge. Ich erwischte mich das ein oder andere Mal wo ich ein paar Seiten nur überflog. Der Zeichenstil ist altbacken, aber noch okay. Alles in allem habe ich es nicht bereut gelesen zu haben, aber werde die Reihe nicht weiter verfolgen.
- augeliehen
Valentina Silva
41 reviews
Cosas que leía cuando estaba en el colegio... Bueno, qué puedo decir ahora que lo releí? Una cosa, es pésimo. La protagonista sigue el mismo patrón de estos mangas: chica tonta con cara de niña buena se deja abusar de diferentes cosas por el tipo guapo con cara de malote que le gusta, solo que en este caso se justifica más porque el tipo es el mismo diablo. Y eso sería.
209 reviews
Un premier tome intéressant, j'aime beaucoup les dessins de l'autrice. L'histoire est intéressante, pas particulièrement originale mais ça se laisse lire. La série n'est pas très longue donc pourquoi pas.
970 reviews3 followers
What have I gotten myself into with this manga? The premise is wacky, but the characters are quite intriguing. Curious to see how the story will develop.
306 reviews2 followers
Me divertí muchísimo, jijiji
143 reviews22 followers
- 3m-manga-manhwa-manhua
59 reviews8 followers
Primer tomo de Mayu Shinjo publicado en Argentina. Posiblemente repita ISBN con la edición española, aunque esa se publicó en sentido de lectura japonés y la argentina se espejó.
- primero-del-mangaka trae-sobrecubiertas
87 reviews
Un poco infantil, como suele pasar a veces con este tipo de protagonistas e historias, pero me encanta el personaje de Kai!
- 漫画-まんが
97 reviews1 follower
Este manga me gustó mucho me hace reír y está entretenido.
Rose Minako
38 reviews
Questo manga mi è piaciuto molto, i disegni sono curati ed espressivi e i personaggi maschili estremamente belli, sono presenti anche scene abbastanza erotiche che personalmente mi sono piaciute molto. Ho finito per innamorarmi anch'io di Satan, perché penso sia l'incarnazione di tutti i desideri proibiti di una donna. Nell'ultimo volume è presente anche una piccola storia spin off molto carina che ha come protagonista Malpass, il corvo parlante di Satan che prende anche sembianze umane.
Diletta Brizzi
Author13 books97 followers
Recensione su http://atelierdiunalettricecompulsiva... Recensione a cura di Yvan Argeadi:
Può capitare ad un adolescente alla sua prima infatuazione amorosa, di compiere gesti singolari, diremo estremi, per riuscire in un modo o nell'altro a fare colpo sul ragazzo più bello e ambito della scuola.
Miu Sakurai, protagonista di questa singolare miniserie, ne sa qualcosa.
L'attrazione che prova per il bel Shion Amamiya, coetaneo compagno di studi, si manifesta in lei in maniera talmente violenta da spingerla, per riuscire ad avere il suo cuore, a ricorrere all'arte della magia.
E così, dopo essere entrata in possesso di un grimorio ricco di incantesimi, formule evocatorie e malie, decide di evocare l'aiuto di potenze oscure. Dinnanzi a lei si manifesta così Satan, il più potente e bello tra i diavoli, il quale, senza perder tempo, le propone un accordo.
Il cuore dell'amato Amamiya in cambio della sua verginità. Uno scambio pericoloso, specialmente se si tratta del diavolo in persona. Un rischio che tuttavia Miu si sente di poter correre.
Ma non sempre le cose sono come appaiono, perché dietro il nome di Amamiya si cela in realtà niente meno che l'arcangelo Michele, mentre le intenzioni di Satan, all'apparenza volte al peccato ed alla semplice conquista dell'ennesima anima da corrompere, sono quanto di più calcolato egli potesse escogitare per impadronirsi dell'unica anima capace di suscitare in lui una nobile pulsione emotiva come l'amore.
Quest'ultimo però, conosce molte sfaccettature, e starà a Miu esplorarle tutte per conoscere la reale differenza tra la concezione paradisiaca di amore e quella infernale, e scegliere alla fine, quella che più si adatta alla sua anima.
Questi sono i presupposti della trama di Virgin Crisis, serie manga di quattro volumi editi dalla Star Comics.
Ho avuto modo di girare il web, dopo averli letti tutti e quattro, e dare un occhiata alle varie recensioni presenti nei forum di discussione e nei blog. Che dire, si tratta senza dubbio di un prodotto che è stato capace di dividere l'opinione dei lettori, schieratisi tra chi lo ha odiato e chi invece ne è rimasto piacevolmente colpito e ammaliato.
Personalmente mi sento di schierarmi con questi ultimi, e spiego brevemente il perché.
La storia inizia col solito cliché della giovane studentessa combattuta tra due amori impossibili, l'uno bello e tenebroso e l'altro più incline al principe delle favole che ogni ragazza di quell'età sogna di incontrare nella sua vita.
E questo, seppur inevitabile visto il tipo di trama che l'autrice ha voluto intavolare, è qualcosa di cui lettori e lettrici penso siano saturi, essendo ormai anni che la letteratura e i media ci propongono storie di questo tipo.
Tuttavia la trama è sviluppata in maniera originale ed interessante, diversa da quell'accozzaglia di "fan fiction" ( perché per me tali sono ) create con lo stampino e prive di originalità che riempiono il mercato. Vi sono inoltre dei quesiti irrisolti riguardanti i due contendenti, ma risultano passare in secondo piano se rapportati a quello che a mio avviso è il vero punto di forza di questa serie: l'esplorazione delle molteplici sfaccettature dell'amore, particolare che i recensori più superficiali non sono riusciti a cogliere, o probabilmente non sono sensibili a queste tematiche.
Proprio così, in solamente quattro volumi la Shinjo è riuscita a far vivere alla sua protagonista esperienze talmente agli antipodi le une con le altre da risultare impossibili per la stessa persona.
E così vediamo come la giovane Miu si ritrova a provare sulla sua stessa pelle l'amore di un angelo, e quello di un diavolo. L'uno puro e profondo, romantico, sentimentale, l'altro peccaminoso, magnetico, irresistibile e morboso.
Vedremo Miu alle prese con la gelosia, ma anche con una concezione molto "aperta" e libera di amore. Vedremo sempre la nostra protagonista combattuta tra ragione e sentimento, dovere e piacere, fino all'originale ed inaspettato epilogo, elemento chiave che realmente differenzia questa serie da tutte quelle che hanno come chiave di volta elementi quali la redenzione ed una qualsivoglia inesistente seconda possibilità elargita da Dio.
Nel complesso un'ottima storia, che poteva essere approfondita maggiormente, ma comunque capace di tenere incollati dalla prima all'ultima pagina, e suscitare nel lettore il desiderio di rileggere tutta l'opera una seconda volta.
- manga
Nix Buttons
1,956 reviews40 followers
I found it difficult to rate this manga. The story was nice, just so entirely tacky... One could have made a wonderful dark and serious manga with this story, which is why it makes me sad that the author made it a tacky love story. Every drama and climax were boring and predictable; still, I liked the story itself. I would not advise you against reading this manga, if you like tacky love stories you will love this one :) I already wrote this review, some day I will translate it into English (right now I do not feel like it): Die Darstellung vom Sex hat recht gut die Bedeutung des Aktes für die verschiedenen Charaktere gezeigt und ihre Gefühle füreinander wurden auch sehr viel durch Sex und sexuelle Anziehung dargestellt
If not, you should think twice about reading this.
Der Manga ist zu kurz um eine richtige Charakterentwicklung darzustellen, man hat Satan nicht kennen lernen können bevor er so weichherzig wurde und sich verliebt hat, daher fehlt der Kontrast um die Tiefe der Auswirkungen seiner Liebe zu einer Sterblichen zu verstehen. Das finde ich wirklich schade. Trotzdem mag ich den Charakter, ein sadistischer großer blasser Mann mit kaltem lustvollem Blick und langen schwarzen Haaren, ein Traum ;)
Miu merkt man eine gewisse Entwicklung an, aber leider gewinnt sie erst ganz am Schluss Selbstbewusstsein, so dass man nicht mehr viel davon hat als Leser. Die meiste Zeit ist sie bloß das naive kleine Dummchen (böse gesagt), welches sich gegen Satans Verführung wehrt obwohl sie es doch so sehr will.
- 01-1_english 01-2_manga
Secret Girls
254 reviews7 followers
La trama è sviluppata in maniera molto originale, ammetto che come manga è un po spinto ma non eccessivamente. Personalmente non ho letto le altre opere della Shinjo questa è stata la prima, ma da quanto si dice in giro per il web, questa Mangaka si basa eccessivamente sulle scene d'intimita tra i personaggi principali. Qui posso assicurarvi che ce ne sono pochissime anche se lo consiglio a un pubblico maggiorenne ecco diciamo dai 18 anni in su XD, ma nonostante tutto nel complesso e un ottima storia. In soli 4 volumi la Shinjo a fatto rivivere alla protagonista una storia ricca d'amore e perdizione, morbosa, sensuale ma anche pura. In fin dei conti stiamo parlando del diavolo in persona che cosa vi aspettavate, una storia tutta rose e fiori? Be vi sbagliate io so solo che nel giro di un ora li ho letteralmente divorati, cosa rimane più da dire il tratto della disegnatrice è molto preciso ha l'acortezza di raffigurare al meglio ogni minimo particolare, dalla lacrimuccia agli schizzi di sangue, dall'espressione di terrore a quella sexy e sensuale delle scene di sesso. Una cosa che non tanto mi è piaciuta, è stato inserire il commento dell'autrice all'interno della storia distogliendo cosi il lettore dalla lettura avrei preferito che fosse stato messo all'inizio oppure alla fine per il resto non ho nulla da obbiettare ho aprezzato molto anche gli ultimi due spin off inseriti nell'ultimo volume in conclusione della saga. Il mio voto è di 5 stelline
463 reviews50 followers
Ich habe in meinem Leben bisher nur einen Manga gelesen und den bekam ich geschenkt. Naja, jetzt habe ich zwei gelesen. Fand den ersten Virgin Crisis Band ganz gut. War überrascht das er trotz der wenigen Seiten, doch einiges an Inhalt hatte. Die Idee mit dem Teufel finde ich ganz interessant, Akuma - oder Kai wie er später genannt wird - zeigt zum Schluss hin und doch mehr Seiten als nur diese "böse" die man am Anfang von ihm zu sehen bekommen hat. Miu ist teilweise ziemlich naiv, aber auch sehr verletzlich. Ihren Schwarm mag ich nicht so, irgendwie ist er zu glatt und scheint nur diese freundliche Seite zu haben. Mal schauen wie es in den Folgebänden weitergeht.